Will's first appearance as he plays Dungeons & Dragons with his friends.
Lucas, and
Dustin leaving
Mike's house after their campaign came to an abrupt conclusion.
Will informing Mike he scored a low number during the campaign before he heads home.
Lucas, Dustin, and Will riding their bikes home.
Will and Dustin briefly racing each other home on their bikes.
Will continuing to ride his bike home.
Will's bike light goes out moments before he suddenly crashes.
After crashing his bike, Will sees a monstrous figure approaching him.
Upon arriving home, Will looks out a window and sees the monster approaching.
Will rushing to the phone to call for help.
Will attempting to call for help, only to find the phone not working.
Will seeing the front door being telekinetically unlocked.
Will taking cover outside in a shed.
Will looking for bullets to load his rifle with.
With his gun loaded, Will aims it at the door, ready to face the monster.
Armed, Will hears the monster lurking behind him.
Will looking at the monster moments before he vanishes into thin air.
Will with his mother in a flashback.
Will being tickled by his mom.
A flashback of Will listening to music with his older brother,
Will enjoying music from the band, The Clash.
Will hearing his mom argue with his dad.
Will hearing his parents argue as Jonathan closes his bedroom door.
Will saying he has fun sometimes with his dad when Jonathan asks about him.
Will talking about his dad, disappointed that he doesn't support him or his hobbies.
Will and Jonathan continuing to listen to the Clash.
Will speaking to Joyce through an enclosed portal.
Before the portal disappears, Will is told by his mom to run and hide after she promises to find and save him.
In a flashback, Will draws his Dungeons & Dragons character, Will the Wise.
Will talking to his mom about his D&D character.
Will chuckling when his mom comments his characters looks he's firing cabbages due to coloring his fireballs green.
Will singing "Should I Stay or Should I Go".
Will hearing a roar outside Castle Byers.
Will moments before the Demogorgon finds and abducts him again.
Will being found by his mom in the Upside Down version of the Hawkins public library.
An unconscious Will with a vine in his mouth.
Will having the vine pulled out of his mouth.
Sometime after being rescued from the Upside Down, Will sleeps in a hospital at Hawkins.
Will waking up, finding his mom and brother sitting by his bedside.
Will reuniting with his mom and older brother in the hospital.
"Are you okay?"-Will noticing Jonathan having his hand bandaged up.
After Jonathan assures him that he's fine, Will watches his brother go to show him some stuff he can do as he recovers.
Will receiving a new mixtape from his brother.
A month later, Will plays Dungeons & Dragons.
Will playing a D&D campaign with his friends.
Will hearing Mike announce the opponent is a thessalhydra.
Will having rolled the dice, scoring a fourteen.
Will hearing he managed to strike a direct hit to the thessalhydra.
Will, Dustin, and Lucas cheering after they won.
Will and his friends resuming their campaign.
(Lucas: "And the proud princess?") "And those weird flowers in the cave?"
Will smiling when he sees Jonathan has arrived.
Will saying goodbye to his friends as he leaves with Jonathan to go home.
Will and Jonathan wishing Mrs. Wheeler a Merry Christmas.
Will and Jonathan seeing Nancy approaching them as she goes to give Jonathan a present.
Will and Jonathan getting in the car.
"Can I open it?"-Will asking if he can open Jonathan's present.
After returning home, Will sits by the Christmas tree, checking his presents.
Sitting at the table with his family, Will tells them he theorizes one of his presents to be an Atari.
Will going to excuse himself from the table.
(Joyce: "Hey! No more snooping.") "No, I forgot to wash my hands. I'll be right back."
Will vomiting out of an alien slug.
Will washing the slug down the sink's drain.
A nauseous Will looking at his reflection.
Will suddenly having a vision of the Upside Down.
Will snapping back to reality.
Will walking back to the dining room.
(Joyce: "Are you okay?") "Yeah, I'm okay."
Will going to eat his dinner.
Will and his family eating dinner and celebrating Christmas together.
On October 29, 1984, Will is dropped off at the Palace Arcade to spend some time with his friends.
Will being reminded by his mom to stay in the arcade until she is ready to pick him up.
Will having gotten out of the car to join his friends.
Will apologizing to his mom.
(Joyce: "We've talked about this. You've got to stop with the sorries.") "Sorry-I mean, yeah. I know."
Will in deep thought while driving to Hawkins Lab.
Will and his mom meeting with Hopper at the lab's parking lot.
Will, Joyce, and Hopper walking to enter the lab.
Will standing on a weight scale.
Will having red dots drawn on his face.
Will as brain sensors are placed around his head.
Will being asked by Dr. Owens what his favorite candy is.
Under his mom's advice, Will answers he likes Reese's Pieces.
Will beginning his session with Dr. Owens.
Will describing the storm he saw during his episode last night.
When asked by Owens if the evil wanted to kill him, Will says it didn't want to kill him, but everyone else.
After his session, Will waits in a hallway as his and Hopper talk to Dr. Owens.
Will, Joyce, and Hopper leaving the lab.
Will sitting in his room.
Will as Jonathan sits next to him.
Will working on a drawing of himself as "Zombie Boy".
When Jonathan asks if somebody called him "Zombie Boy", Will snaps at his brother.
(Jonathan: "What are you talking about?") "Mom, Dustin, Lucas, everyone!"
Will revealing how frustrated he is over how everyone is constantly worried and overprotective of him.
Will talking to his brother who supports the fact he is different from others.
Will asking Jonathan why he always hangs out with him, which he answers he considers him his best friend.
Will being comforted by Jonathan who tells him that it is okay to be different.
After their mom's boyfriend
Bob Newby comments on he likes Kenny Rogers, Will and Jonathan burst into laughter.
Will eating popcorn as he watches Mr. Mom with his family and Bob.
Will in the bathroom later that night.
After using the bathroom, Will experiences another episode.
Back in the Upside Down, Will sees a violent storm being conjured up as red lightning flashes in the sky.
Will suddenly getting a strange feeling on the back of his neck as his skin gets covered in goosebumps.
Will entering the Upside Down as he exits out of his house.
Will noticing a giant silhouette through the storm.
Will horrified to see a gigantic shadow-like creature.
The next morning, Will awkwardly tells his mom he just finished going to the bathroom.
Will being helped by his mom in putting his Halloween costume on.
When Joyce finds a drawing of the shadow creature he encountered last night, Will lies, claiming it is a sketch for a story.
A photograph of Will dressed as a Ghostbuster.
Another photo of Will aiming his proton blaster.
Will in Jonathan's car as they go to the Wheeler house.
Will defending Bob when Jonathan expresses a disdain towards him.
Will pointing out he can't go trick-or-treating by himself as Mike's sister won't be accompanying him.
Upon arriving at Mike's house, Will becomes happy when Jonathan allows him to go trick-or-treating by himself and with his friends.
Will promising Jonathan to be back at Mike's house by nine o'clock.
Will going to catch with his friends at the next house to trick-or-treat at.
Will startled when a costumed teen menacingly calls him "Zombie Boy".
Will getting picked on and scared by a bunch of older kids.
Will on the ground after getting scared by the older kids.
When he recovers, Will realizes he's in the Upside Down again.
After getting up, Will starts calling out for Mike as he experiences his episode.
Will suddenly hearing chirping sounds echoing through the Upside Down.
Suddenly, Will sees something moving in the distance.
Will horrified to see a gigantic, living shadow creature heading towards him.
Will hiding from the shadow monster.
Will and Mike sitting together in the Wheelers' basement.
Will describing the living shadow monster he saw to Mike.
Will being cheered by Mike who reveals how much he misses Eleven and he believes he's going crazy as well.
Will and Mike in deep thought after their talk.
The next day, Will helps search for his mom's car keys.
Will and Jonathan hearing Bob managing to find their mom's car keys.
Will hearing Bob offer to take him to school, which he accepts.
Will motivated and inspired to face his own fears after a talk with Bob.
Will noticing some kids staring at him.
Will and his friends in class together.
Will listening to Mr. Clarke give out a lecture on Phineas Gage.
Will turning around to look at Max when he feels she's looking at him.
Will going back to focus on the lecture when Max quickly glances away.
Will, Mike, and Lucas seeing Dustin arrive late to class.
Will continuing the lecture as Dustin sits in his seat.
Will, Mike, and Lucas being told by Dustin they need to meet during lunch at AV Club.
Will, Mike, and Lucas hearing Dustin explain he has something to show them later.
Will, Lucas, and Mike wondering what Dustin has to show them.
Will and Mike continuing the lecture as Dustin zips up his backpack.
Will, Max, Lucas, Dustin, and Mike looking into a homemade ghost trap.
Will, Mike, and Max being shown by Dustin a strange creature he named D'Artagnan "Dart".
Will grossed out as he holds D'Artagnan.
Will and his friends talking about D'Artagnan "Dart".
Mike and Will listening to Dustin describe Dart.
Will and Mike noticing Dart having a strange growth.
Will realizing Dart is from the Upside Down due being similar to the slug he vomited last year.
Will watching his friends decide to show Dart to Mr. Clarke.
After school, Will is met up by Mike at his locker.
Will nervously walking up to Mike.
Will about to tell Mike about Dart.
Will and Mike stopping their friends from showing Dart to Mr. Clarke.
The boys in the AV Club room.
Will and Mike explaining to Dustin and Lucas how the slug Will vomited last year looked similar to Dart.
Will as Dustin refuses to believe Dart is dangerous despite coming from the Upside Down.
The boys scared when Dart starts screeching inhumanly while inside the ghost trap.
Upon releasing Dart, Will and Mike are shocked to see Dart sprout hind legs.
Will using his supercom, or walkie talkie, as he and his friends look for Dart.
Will finds Dart in a bathroom stall.
Will running out of the bathroom when Dart scares him.
Will noticing the lights flickering all of the sudden.
Will having another episode of the Upside Down.
Will terrified to see the Mind Flayer approaching him.
Will running in the hallway as the Mind Flayer pursues him.
Will runs out of the school as the Mind Flayer keeps pursuing him.
However, upon remember what Bob told about confronting his fears, Will stops running.
Will deciding to confront the Mind Flayer in order to get him to leave him alone.
Will yelling at the Mind Flayer to leave him alone, only for it to ignore him.
When the Mind Flayer traps Will in one of his pockets, it begins to possess him.
Back in the real world, Will stands motionless on the P.E. field.
Will being held by the shoulder by a concerned Mike.
Will trying to be woken up by his mom.
In the Upside Down, Will gets possessed by the shadow monster.
Will motionless as his mom tries to wake him up.
Will as the shadow monster enters his body through his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.
Will instantly waking up back to the real world after the shadow monster finishes possessing him.
Will and his mom leaving the school.
After arriving home, Will lies to his mom what he was doing on the school playground.
Will surprised when his mom shows him a sketch of the shadow monster she drew from his video tape.
Will being begged by his mom to be honest with her as she wants to help him.
When asked by Joyce if he saw the shadow monster at school, Will nods his head yes.
Will crying as he explains his attempts to get the monster to leave him alone and how the creature entered his body.
Will being embraced by his mother.
Will being comforted by his mom who promises to not let anything happen to him.
Later that night, Will and Joyce sleep together.
Will approaching his mom the next morning.
Will being asked by his mom how he's feeling.
Will with a thermometer in his mouth.
After his mom checks his temperature, Will listens to her suggest taking a bath.
Will approaching the bathtub, ready to take his bath.
Will growing afraid as he's having a reaction to the bath's hot water and steam.
Will refusing to have a hot bath, claiming "he" likes it cold.
Will sitting in his room, wearing no shirt as his body is not affected by the cold temperatures.
Will and Joyce explaining the shadow monster to Hopper.
Will asked by Hopper if the monster talks to him.
"No, I just...I just know."
Will getting further questioned by Hopper.
Will explaining that due to his connection to the monster, he is experiencing memories every second which he dubs as "now-memories."
Will being asked by his mom to explain his "now-memories."
"Growing. Spreading. Killing."
Will being asked by his mom if he's referring to his "now-memories".
Unsure how to answer his mom's and Hopper's questions, Will breaks down in his mom's arms.
Will hearing his mom suggest a different solution to describe his "now-memories".
Will drawing his now-memories.
Will coloring and drawing his now-memories super fast.
Will continuing to draw his now-memories nonstop.
Will going to drop a drawing to a pile of other drawings on the floor.
Will describing to Mike what he sees and feels through his connection with the shadow monster.
Will saying he can feel the shadow monster's presence not only in the Upside Down, but on Earth too.
Will also saying he feels the Mind Flayer in him too.
Will explaining how he can feel the Mind Flayer spreading his presence throughout Hawkins.
Will explaining to Mike how he now always remembers the Mind Flayer's memories with forgetting them.
Will hearing Mike comment him on being like a spy in order to cheer him up.
Will hearing Mike suggest they can use his connection to the Mind Flayer as an advantage to defeat him.
Will and Mike looking at the drawing of the Mind Flayer as Will worries the monster will also use the connection to spy on them too.
Will being assured by Mike that they won't let the Mind Flayer spy back at them.
Will drawing Hopper's location.
The next morning, Will wakes up from a vision.
Will looking scared and worried.
Will telling his mom that he just saw Hopper in his vision.
"I think he's in trouble. I think he's going to die."
Will having finished his drawing.
Will, Joyce, and Mike showing Bob the drawings so he can help them find Hopper.
Will and Mike watching Bob going to pull Joyce aside so he can talk to her in private.
Will and Mike surprised when Bob reveals the drawings all over the house are a map of Hawkins.
Will in shock after learning all of his drawings form a map of Hawkins.
Later, Will helps to find Hopper's location using his map.
Will and his mom making a measurement between Danford Creek and Tippecanoe.
Will, Joyce, and Bob going to look over a paper map to calculate their measurements.
Will, Joyce, Bob, and Mike trying to do the math to figure out Hopper's location.
Will watching Bob estimate Hopper's location.
Will, Bob, and Mike watching Joyce take the paper map and run off to get to Hopper's location.
Will and Mike going to follow Joyce to join her in rescuing Hopper.
Will and Mike above the tunnels as they wait for Joyce and Bob to rescue Hopper.
Will and Mike are surprised when vehicles from Hawkins Lab approach them.
Will and Mike surrounded by scientists and agents who have come to investigate the tunnels and rescue Hopper, Joyce, and Bob.
Will suddenly collapsing to the ground.
Will on the ground, in pain.
Will suddenly starts convulsing violently.
Will's convulsion being witnessed by scientists and agents.
Will being brought to Hawkins Lab as he continues to scream in pain.
Will going to be treated by Dr. Owens as Mike and Joyce watch in concern.
(Female doctor: "Where does it hurt, Will?") "Everywhere!"
Will having been sedated by the doctors.
Will fast asleep by the time morning arrives.
Will sleeping with Mike sleeping next to his bed.
Will sleeping as Joyce tells Bob what happened last year.
Will breathing as he sleeps.
Will waking up where he is greeted by Joyce.
Will being greeted by Joyce and Bob.
"Who is that?"-Will staring blankly at Bob.
Will asking Bob if he's a doctor.
An amnesiac Will staring at Joyce as he's only able to recognize her and not Bob.
Will, Joyce, and Bob waiting as Owens and his colleagues have a meeting.
Will watching his mom and Bob talk to the armed guards.
Will staring blankly and coldly.
Will being snapped back to reality by Mike.
(Mike: "Are you hurting again?") "I saw something."
"The shadow monster. I think I know how to stop him."
Will observing photographs of his drawn map.
Will watched by Mike, Joyce, Hopper, Bob, and Owens.
Will moving around to find a location on his map.
Will pointing to a location on his map.
Will asked by Owens what's at the specific location he pointed at.
"I don't know. I just know he doesn't want me to see there. I think it's important."
Later, as a team of soldiers go to find the location he found, Will apologizes to his mom and friends.
(Joyce: "Who? Who made you do what?") "I told you. They upset him."
Will sad and regretful as Mike realizes he was forced by the shadow monster to trick the soldiers into falling in a trap as revenge for hurting him by burning the tunnels.
When his mom begs him to help her understand what he's talking about, Will sadly states it's too late.
"You should go now. They're almost here."
Will watching Mike tell Joyce that they're under attack.
Will hearing Mike reveal to Joyce and Bob that shadow monster spies through him.
Will accusing Mike of lying.
"He's lying! He's lying!"
Will staring hardly at his mom.
Will hearing Joyce ask if he knows who she is.
Will being restrained by Bob.
Will being sedated by his mom as Bob restrains him.
Will screaming to be released as he is sedated.
Will slowly passing out after Joyce finishes sedating him.
Will lying on the bed unconscious.
Will's unconscious body being carried by Hopper.
Will being held by Hopper as he and the others attempt to escape the lab.
Will's body being held by Hopper.
Will's body going to be put down by Hopper when he and the others take shelter in a room.
An unconscious Will being held by Mike.
Will, Mike, Hopper, and Joyce escaping the lab when Jonathan comes to their rescue.
Will's unconscious body lying on the sofa with Jonathan by his side.
Will sleeping on the coach as his family and friends decide to interrogate him to figure out how to kill the Mind Flayer.
Will being carried by Jonathan.
Will's unconscious body being placed on a chair.
Will's unconscious body tied up.
A sleeping Will sniffing chemicals.
Will instantly waking up after smelling the chemicals.
Will blinded by a bright light.
Will checking his surroundings, not recognizing his backyard shed.
(Hopper: "Recognize this?") "No."
The possessed Will starting to raise the tone of his voice.
Will still asking his question nonstop.
Will being embraced by Hopper.
Will hugged by Hopper as he demands to be released.
A possessed Will starting to calm down.
Will having been calmed down from Hopper's embrace.
Will being reminded of his birthday by his mom.
Will listening to his mother recount a memory of him using an entire box of crayons to draw a spaceship.
Will emotionally listening to his mom express how proud she was of him for drawing a spaceship.
Will turning his attention towards Jonathan.
Will looking at his brother who reminds him of the time they built Castle Byers together.
Will becoming emotional as Jonathan recounts when they built Castle Byers together.
Will turning his attention towards Mike.
Will listening to Mike recount how they met and became friends.
Will getting more emotional when he hears Mike say asking to be friends with him was the best thing he ever did.
Will turning his attention back to his mom.
An emotional Will hearing his mom beg him to speak and fight through the Mind Flayer's possession.
"Let me go."-Will coldly demanding to be released, seemingly unable to break free from the Mind Flayer's possession, only to subconsciously tap in morse code.
The possessed Will listening to the Clash's "Should I Stay or Should I Go" on a radio.
Will listening to Jonathan recount the first time he heard his favorite song.
Will listening to Mike recount a Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
Will listening to how he saved the Party during the D&D campaign.
An emotional Will listening to his mom recount another memory with him.
Will listening to how he was selfless in giving up a toy truck to a little girl.
Will hearing a phone suddenly ring, causing him to recognize its ringtone and where it's coming from.
Will having closed his eyes after the phone stops ringing.
Will, through the Mind Flayer's control, gives away his friends and family's location to the creature.
Will being sedated again by his mom.
An unconscious Will being untied by Mike, Joyce, and Jonathan.
Will being observed by El and Joyce.
Will sleeping as El tells Joyce she already knows what's wrong with him due to her remote traveling abilities.
Will lying down on his bed.
Will asleep as his family and friends formulate a plan to exorcise the Mind Flayer out of him.
An unconscious Will going to be placed on a sofa when his mom, brother, and Nancy arrive at Hopper's cabin.
Will's unconscious body being picked up by Jonathan again.
Will being placed on a mattress by his brother.
Will having been tied to the mattress.
Will waking up after his family and Nancy turn on heaters and the cabin's furnace.
Will noticing the heaters and his restraints.
Will beginning to react to the heat.
Will screaming and shaking in pain after his mother angrily turns up the heaters.
Will suffocating in the heat.
Will beginning to cringe as his family and Nancy realize their exorcism is working.
Will's neck getting covered in black veins.
Will shaking and growling inhumanly.
The possessed Will trying to free himself from his binds.
The possessed Will choking Joyce when she tries to stop him.
The possessed Will roaring as he strangles his mother.
The possessed Will roaring angrily before he is burnt by Nancy.
Will beginning to convulse when he feels his friends burning the Upside Down's tunnels.
Will convulsing violently, much to Nancy and his family's horror.
Will screaming as the Mind Flayer's fragment leaves his body.
Will after the Mind Flayer's fragment gets out of his body.
Will past out after being exorcised from the Mind Flayer.
Will slowly opening his eyes.
"Mom?"-Will waking up after being freed from the Mind Flayer.
An emotional Will hugging his mom once freed from the Mind Flayer's possession.
The Byers family sharing a hug after Will is saved.
A month later, Will and his mom dance together.
Will and his mom being filmed by Jonathan.
Will glancing at Jonathan as the latter records him and their mom.
Will, Lucas, and Max on the dance floor.
In the summer of 1985, Will, Max, and Lucas meet up with Mike at Starcourt Mall.
Will and Lucas chuckling as the latter teases Mike for how he spends time with El.
Will, Max, and Lucas walking through the mall's first floor.
Will, Lucas, and Mike taking an escalator.
Will and his friends trying to cut through a crowd of people as they don't want to be late to seeing a movie at the mall's movie theater.
Will and his friends hearing Lucas's little sister,
Erica make fun of them.
Will, Lucas, and Mike walking through the mall.
Will and his friends sneaking through the mall's back hallways.
Will, Mike, Lucas, and Max going to find seats.
Will and Mike sitting together in the theater.
Will watching Day of the Dead.
Will and Mike disappointed when the movie suddenly stops playing.
When the movie starts playing again, due to the mall having a power outage, Will and his friends are satisfied.
Will suddenly having a familiar sense on the back of his neck.
When Mike asks if he's okay, Will, brushing off his sensing, assures him he's fine.
The next day, after Jonathan spends the night with his girlfriend, Nancy, Will vows to never fall in love.
Will at the breakfast table.
Later, Will hides with Lucas after Dustin returns home from summer camp.
Will and Mike hiding as they plan to surprise Dustin.
Will, Max, Lucas, Mike, and El giving a welcome surprise to Dustin.
Will and his friends reaching the top of Weathertop.
Will, Max, and Lucas exhausted.
Will, Lucas, Max, and Dustin building Cerebro.
Will, Lucas, Max, and Dustin lifting Cerebro upwards after they finish building it.
Will, Lucas, Max, and Dustin looking over the newly built Cerebro ham radio.
Will, Max, and Lucas waiting for Dustin to get in touch with his girlfriend, Suzie.
Will sleeping as he waits for Dustin to contact Suzie.
"Maybe Cerebro doesn't work."
Will watching Lucas talk to Max.
Will watching Lucas trying to please his girlfriend before she reveals she was just teasing him.
Will watching Max and Lucas leave Weathertop.
Will telling Dustin he's going home too as it's getting late.
Will inviting Dustin to play Dungeons & Dragons with him sometime.
Will, Mike, and Lucas arriving at Starcourt Mall.
Will, Lucas, and Mike in the Wheelers' basement the next day.
Will setting up a Dungeons & Dragons board.
Will still setting up the game board as Mike and Lucas leave the basement.
"Wait, guys! I'm still here!"
Will alone in the basement after his friends leave.
Will accompanying his friends to shop for an apology gift for El.
Will and Mike looking at jewelry.
Will, Mike, and Lucas leaving Zales after being told the teddy bear pendant costs $300.
Will, Mike, and Lucas walking through the mall.
Will, Lucas, and Mike coming across a store that sells women's undergarments.
Will shocked to see women's undergarments.
Will, Lucas, and Mike about to run off.
Will, Mike, and Lucas smelling some perfume samples.
Will upset when Mike and Lucas refuse to play D&D after they fail to find and buy a good apology gift for El.
Will, Mike, and Lucas going to remove their bikes from the mall's bike rack.
Will, Mike, and Lucas shocked to see El and Max at the mall.
Will seeing Lucas uncomfortable when Mike lies to El why he's at the mall.
Will watching Mike and Lucas.
Will seeing Lucas play along with Mike's lie.
Will watching Mike and Lucas lie to the girls on why they're at the mall.
Will watching Lucas explain how shopping at Starcourt is expensive.
Will, Lucas, and Mike confused and shocked after the girls break up with them.
Will, Lucas, and Mike watching the girls leaving the mall by boarding a bus.
Later, Will, Lucas, and Mike are being watched by El.
Will as Lucas talks to a disheartened Mike.
Will setting up a Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
"They broke up with you! What else is there to talk about?"
Will disgusted when Mike burps.
The next day, Will wakes up Mike and Lucas with loud music.
Will wearing a wizard costume.
Will demanding to be addressed by his full name, Will the Wise.
(Mike: "Could you please turn down the music?") "That is not music. That is the sound of destiny."
Will declaring today to be a day of no girls.
Will the Wise proposing a D&D campaign.
(Mike: "Will, it's so early.") "Is it, Michael?"
Will imploring his friends to play Dungeons & Dragons with him.
Will imploring his friends to play by claiming that innocent lives are a t stake.
"Are you truly going to let them perish?"
"Or are you gonna become the heroes you were always meant to be?"
Will and Mike seeing Lucas raising his hand, asking if he can take a shower first.
"Do you guys hear that? It sounds like thunder. But no! Wait, that's not thunder!"
"A horde of Juju zombies!"
Will, Mike, and Lucas playing D&D together.
Will seeing what number Mike rolled on his dice.
Will rolling his dice as Mike & Lucas wait for results.
"The Juju bites your arm. Flesh tears! Arrrgh!"
"Seven points of damage."
Will seeing his friends laugh as Mike pretends to lose his arm.
"Sir Lucas, the zombie horde roars! Do you fight back or do you run?"
"No! It's a distraction! A trap! Do not answer it!"
Will telling his friends not to answer the phone when it rings.
Will seeing his friends running to answer the phone.
Will watching Mike answer the phone.
Will annoyed when Mike thinks El is calling him.
Will watching Mike going to hang up the phone, due to talking to telemarketers on the other end of the line.
Will wanting to finish the campaign with his friends.
Will seeing his friends are bored & uninterested in finishing the campaign.
"Fine! You guys win! Congratulations!"-Will having taken off his wizard hat.
Will having removed his costume.
(Mike: "Let's finish for real. How much longer is the campaign?") "Just forget it, Mike!"
Will hearing his friends assure they still want to keep playing Dungeons & Dragons.
"I said forget it, Mike! Okay?!"-Will angrily snapping at Mike.
Will angrily storming past Lucas.
Will walking upstairs to exit the basement.
Will going to get ready to leave as Mike catches up to him and tries to apologize.
Will starting to argue with Mike over never being in the mood to play Dungeons & Dragons.
Will asking Mike where Dustin is right now.
"See? You don't know and you don't care. And obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him!"
Will and Mike arguing over El and growing up.
Will hearing Mike being honest with him as he tries to assure him.
Will being told Mike that they're not kids anymore while being asked if he thought he was going to play games with their friends for the rest of his life.
"Yeah. I guess I did. I really did."
Will leaving Mike's house, despite it pouring rain outside.
Will after his argument with Mike.