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Gally... it doesn't feel right, man.
~ Winston to Gally about his decision to sacrifice Thomas and Teresa to the Grievers.

Winston is the Keeper of the Slicers and one of the supporting protagonists of The Maze Runner and Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials. Winston is the best friend of Thomas and Frypan. He is also the best friend and fellow Glader of Teresa, Newt, and Minho and the enemy and former best friend of Gally.

Winston is portrayed by Alexander Flores, who also portrays Arturo in Twelve, Lou in Jack, Jules, Esther & Me, and Ed McKee in The English Teacher.

Films []

The Maze Runner[]

Winston is present when Thomas arrives in the Glade. When Thomas starts to run, but trips and falls, Winston and the other Gladers laugh at this.

When Gally stops Thomas from walking into the Maze, Winston and the Gladers join Gally in stopping Thomas from walking into the Maze.

At night, at the bonfire, Winston is introduced to Thomas by Newt, who says that he is the Keeper of the Slicers. Winston watches Thomas and Gally wrestle before Gally knocks Thomas down, causing Thomas to remember his name.

The next day, Ben, having been stung by a Griever, attacks Thomas. Winston, along with the other Gladers, manage to restrain Ben, see the Griever sting on his stomach, and take him to the Pit.

Later, along with the other Gladers, Winston banishes Ben from the Glade.

At night, Winston watches on as Gally crosses out Ben's name on the wall.

The next day, Winston, along with the other Gladers, watch on as Thomas runs into the Maze to help Minho and Alby, who have gone into the Maze to retrace Ben's steps, when Alby got stung by a Griever.

The next day, Winston is present when Thomas, Minho, and Alby return to the Glade.

In the Council Hall, during the Gathering, Winston is present when Gally insists that Thomas should be punished for going into the Maze to help Minho and Alby. Winston hears the Box alarm ringing, prompting him to run out of the Council Hall along with the other Gladers and investigate.

Winston arrives at the Box along with the other Gladers, where they discover that the new arrival is a girl named Teresa. When Gally asks Newt what is in Teresa's hand, Newt pulls out a note from Teresa's hand and reads the words "She's the last one ever" on it. As Newt asks the other Gladers what the words mean, Teresa suddenly wakes up, recognizes Thomas, says his name, and goes back to sleep. As the other Gladers look suspiciously at Thomas, Gally asks the other Gladers if they still think he is overreacting.

Later, Winston goes with Thomas, Minho, Frypan, and Zart into the Maze to investigate a dead Griever.

Later, while getting rocks thrown at him and the other Gladers by Teresa, who has fled to the top of the tower after waking up, Winston is approached by Thomas, who stops Teresa and goes up to talk to her, while Frypan leaves along with the other Gladers.

The next day, when Thomas and Minho return to the Glade, Winston watches Thomas and Gally argue with each other, when Teresa calls out to them and the Gladers and tells them that Alby is awake.

At night, during the Grievers' attack on the Glade, Winston, Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Alby, Chuck, Jeff, and Clint hide in the Council Hall. Winston watches Alby and Clint get killed by Grievers.

After the attack, Gally punches Thomas in the face in far more rage, violence, and aggressiveness than before, causing Winston to try to restrain him along with Newt, Minho, Frypan, and Jeff. As Winston, Newt, Minho, Frypan, and Jeff try to restrain Gally, Thomas takes a Griever stinger from Chuck and uses it to stab himself in the thigh to regain his memories. Winston goes to tend to Thomas along with Teresa, Newt, Minho, Frypan, and Jeff.

The next day, along with Teresa, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Chuck, and Jeff, Winston learns from Thomas that he and Teresa worked for WCKD and created the Maze.

Gally, having taken command, has Teresa tied to a pole and attempts to have Thomas tied to another pole. Winston watches on as Thomas fights off two Gladers, Teresa kicks a Glader in the groin, allowing Frypan to cut her free, and Newt knocks down a Glader. Winston escapes along with his group of Gladers while Gally stays with his own group of Gladers in the Glade.

Winston helps his group of Gladers fight off the Grievers, but Jeff dies trying to save Minho from a Griever. Winston, along with his group of Gladers, go into the WCKD lab and watch a video left by Ava Paige, who shoots herself at the end of the video.

Winston is about to leave along with his group of Gladers when Gally, having been stung by a Griever, appears with a gun and insists that they will never be free. Gally fires a bullet at Thomas, but Chuck sacrifices himself by taking the bullet in the chest, giving Minho a chance to throw a spear at Gally, causing it to impale him in the chest, causing him to drop to his knees, drop the gun, and collapse on his right side on the floor. Winston watches Chuck die in Thomas' arms before being taken along with his group of Gladers to a helicopter by a group of masked soldiers.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials[]

Winston appears in the sequel to the first film with the other surviving Gladers, entering the immense facility of WCKD led by Janson, although he ignores it. Winston doesn't believe Thomas when he says that the people in this building are lying about their intentions and, in passing, makes the acquaintance of Aris. But when Thomas returns with evidence, he forces them to leave the dormitory to flee the facility. They succeed, with Aris. Winston and the others go to an abandoned mall. Cranks then attack the group, kill Jack, a Glader, and wound Winston in the stomach. The next morning, Winston's injury worsens and he falls on the sand dunes during the journey. His friends have to carry him, but Winston tries to end his life by failing to shoot himself with a gun. He shows the Gladers the infection on his belly and Newt gives him the gun to fulfill his wish. Winston tells Thomas to take care of the others and pulls the trigger. Winston is mentioned by Frypan when the heroes join the Right Arm.

Maze Runner: The Death Cure[]

In the last film, Minho is captured and put through programmed trials in his imagination by WCKD to harvest the serum against the Flare. In the beginning of the event, Minho is in the Glade and sees Winston, Alby, and Chuck turning to him. At the end of the film, Newt mentions Winston in his letter to Thomas, with Winston's name being engraved on the memorial rock by Frypan at the Safe Haven.

Physical Appearance and Personality[]

In the books, Winston's only mentioned physical characteristics are that he was short and muscular, with bad acne. After the incident with the Metal ball in The Scorch Trials, he loses his hair, receives burns and scabs to most of his face, and is almost unrecognizable. He is very stubborn.

In the film adaptations, Winston is depicted as a dark-haired boy who has warm brown skin, dark eyes, and no acne.


  • Gunmanship: As shown in the film adaptation of The Scorch Trials, Winston was capable of handling a small fire arm to defend against enemies. When being chased by a swarm of Cranks, he was able to hold them back long enough to buy his allies time to break the door to escape.


  • Walther PPQ: In the film adaptation of The Scorch Trials, before escaping the WCKD facility, Winston grabbed this pistol from an unconscious guard.

External Links[]
