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The Wisps are supporting characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. They first appeared as a race of aliens in Sonic Colors.

Physical Appearance[]

The Wisps resemble small cephalopod-like creatures that come in different colors and shapes. Most Wisps have a singular eye while others have two or three eyes. However, Wisps that are exposed to negative energy lack any eyes, have mouths with sharp teeth, and are colored in shades of purple or violet.


The Wisps are very peaceful, playful, and energetic. Being an alien race, they speak in incoherent gibberish that can be translated through a special device. However, Wisps that are exposed to negative energy have animal-like instincts that make them become more violent and aggressive. Nonetheless, these Wisps are still allies with Sonic.

Powers and Abilities[]

Generally, Wisps are able to fly on their own. Throughout their appearance, Wisps are able to perform unbelievable feats unique to their own kind. They are able to telekinetically move objects through levitation, neutralize a massive black hole, and revert Nega-Wisps back to normal.

Another ability that Wisps can use is harnessing a special energy source known as Hyper-Go-On. With it, the Wisps can grant the user various elemental powers. These include transforming into a living fireball that can create massive explosions, a fast-moving laser beam that can plow through enemies, and a drill that can burrow underground.

In the Nintendo Wii U Sonic game, Sonic Lost World, newer Wisps are added to give the user additional abilities such as transforming into a lightning bolt that can manipulate electricity for attacking enemies, an asteroid that grabs nearby objects and obstacles, and an explosive bomb.

The Wisps make another appearance in Sonic Forces, using their Hyper-Go-On energy to power the special abilities of the Resistance's Wispon weapons, though the Wisps that Yacker is part of serve as providing Boost energy for Sonic. Seven Wisps and their corresponding Wispon are in the game:

  • Red Burst: Flamethrower Wispon that can use a sudden burst of explosive force to gain more height than normal.
  • Ivory Lightning: Lightning whip Wispon that can perform a Light Speed Dash through both rings and enemies.
  • Blue Cube: Hammer Wispon that can trap enemies in cubes and then shatter the cubes for extra rings while also creating a temporary stack of cubes to gain additional height.
  • Indigo Asteroid: Multiple-target attacking Wispon that can grant temporary invincibility, draw in items and rings, and allows a short period of floating to get over gaps and bottomless pits.
  • Yellow Drill: Drilling Wispon that can pierce through enemies when fully revved up and allow to climb up walls that normally would require other means such as the Wall Jump.
  • Green Hover: Air-burst Wispon that can send out a blast of concentrated air to blow enemies away and enable to float through the air for a short time.
  • Violet Void: Black hole-creating Wispon that can pull enemies, rings, and objects into a singularity and provides a quick teleportation in any chosen direction from the point of origin over a short distance.

Resistance infantry are seen using an eighth, and unobtainable, Wispon designed around Yacker as their standard weapon in combat, especially in the final siege on the Eggman Empire Fortress.


Sonic Colors[]

The Wisps made their debut appearance in Sonic Colors where the majority of the species (excluding Yacker) were abducted by Doctor Eggman in order to power up a mind control ray. Luckily, Sonic, with the help of Tails and Yacker, is able to free the Wisps and put an end to Eggman's evil scheme.

Sonic Lost World[]

The Wisps made a surprise reappearance in Sonic Lost World where they serve no purpose to the main story plot except for providing the player with their Hyper-Go-On power.

Sonic Forces[]

They reappear in Sonic Forces, using their Hyper-go-on energy to power up the various Wispon weapons utilized by the Resistance in the War to Take Back the Planet against the Eggman Empire to free the world from Eggman and his tyranny thanks to Infinite and the Phantom Ruby.

Sonic Team Racing[]

Wisps appear as power ups used to protect charaters against hazards, boost their vehicles speed, or use against other racers.

Other Media[]


Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps[]

Known Wisps[]


Main article: Yacker

This White Wisp is the first Wisp to befriend Sonic and Tails. He asks the two the help free the rest of his race from the clutches of Doctor Eggman. Near the ending of Sonic Colors, Yacker bids Sonic and Tails a happy farewell and leaves with his kind back to his home planet.

Mother Wisp[]

The caretaker and parent of the entire Wisp species, the Mother Wisp only appears in the DS version of Sonic Colors. After defeating Eggman, Sonic found out from Yacker that the Mother Wisp has been exposed to negative energy and was mutated into a monster. With the help of the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic transformed into his Super form and defeated the Mother Wisp, returning her back to normal.


Whisper's Wisps[]

A team of Wisps that work alongside their friend Whisper the Wolf in opposing the Eggman Empire and other threats. They stay inside capsules worn by Whisper until they are called upon to lend their powers to her Wispon. Each Wisp seems to be referred to by color rather than type.


Main article: Maggie (Sonic the Hedgehog)



            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Heroes

Main Universe
Team Sonic
Knuckles the Echidna | Miles "Tails" Prower | Sonic the Hedgehog
Team Rose
Amy Rose | Big the Cat | Cheese | Cream the Rabbit
Team Dark
E-123 Omega | Rouge the Bat | Shadow the Hedgehog
Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Team Vector
Blaze the Cat | Silver the Hedgehog | Vector the Crocodile
Babylon Rogues
Jet the Hawk | Storm the Albatross | Wave the Swallow
The Hooligans
Bark the Polar Bear | Bean the Dynamite | Fang the Hunter
Abraham Tower | G.U.N. Soldiers | G.U.N. Robots
Space Colony ARK
Gerald Robotnik | Maria Robotnik
Jewel the Beetle
Diamond Cutters
Lanolin | Maggie | Tangle the Lemur | Whisper the Wolf
Other Members and Allies
Belle the Tinkerer
Original Diamond Cutters
Clarie Voyance | Slinger the Ocelot | Smithy the Lion | Whisper the Wolf
Sol Dimension
Blaze the Cat | Marine the Raccoon
Coconut Crew
Colonel | Daikun | Gardon | Kylok | Muzy | Setter | Tabby
E-117 Sigma | Mecha Sonic
Eggman Empire
E-102 Gamma | Emerl | G-merl | Heavy and Bomb | Sage
The Ancients
Master King | Crane | Dragon | Snake | Tiger | Titans | Koco
Storybook Series
Sonic and the Secret Rings: Shahra | Sinbad the Sailor
Sonic and the Black Knight: Caliburn | Sir Gawain | Sir Lancelot | Sir Percival
Twilight Cage
Shade the Echidna | Thebes
Animal Friends | Ariem | Barry the Quokka | Chaobi | Chip | Conductor | Dodon Pa | Honey the Cat | Lumina Flowlight | Mighty the Armadillo | Motobud | Mr. Tinker | Omochao | The President | Princess Elise | Professor Pickle | Ray the Flying Squirrel | Rookie | Sticks the Badger | Tikal the Echidna | Trip the Sungazer | Vanilla the Rabbit | Void | Wisps (Yacker)

Classic Era
Amy Rose | Animal Friends | Bark the Polarbear | Bean the Dynamite | Classic Charmy | Classic Espio | Classic Vector | Heavy and Bomb | Fang the Sniper | Honey the Cat | Knuckles the Echidna | Mighty the Armadillo | Miles "Tails" Prower | Ray the Flying Squirrel | Sonic the Hedgehog | Trip the Sungazer

Animated Film/OVA
Hyper Metal Sonic | Knuckles the Echidna | Miles "Tails" Prower | Old Man Owl | Sara | Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic Adventures
Sonic the Hedgehog | Tails

LEGO Dimensions
LEGO Amy Rose | LEGO Sonic the Hedgehog | LEGO Tails

Dr. Ovi Kintobor | Sally Acorn | Sonic the Hedgehog | Snow Spirits

See Also
Adventures Heroes | Archie Heroes | Sonic Cinematic Universe Heroes | SatAM Heroes | Sonic Boom Heroes | Sonic Prime Heroes | Sonic Underground Heroes | Sonic X Heroes | Sonic the Comic Heroes
