This scum Wizard Cookie is really bothering Kenshiro! IT MUST BE REWRITTEN OR ADDED TO!! So sayeth the great god of Earthrealm Raiden: or he will send lightning bolts to terminate you. |
Wizard Cookie is a supporting protagonist of the Cookie Run franchise, and one of the main protagonists in Cookie Run Kingdom.
Wizard cookie is a relatively energetic childish cookie. He has a very specific idea on what magic is, and other forms of it { such as Cinnamon cookie's trickery and Alchemist cookie's Alchemy } aggravate him greately, though he shows respect to Creampuff Cookie for trying her best with a similar type of magic to his own. He is deeply engrossed in magic and doesn't like others to disturb him while he's in the middle of anything. Usually demanding to be left alone when bothered. Despite this, he is also prone to trying to be a bit of a show-off. Which is acknowledged briefly by Cinnamond Cookie during The City Of Wizards event when he refers to Wizard Cookie's Arcane Mage costume as "Too cool." In Cookie Run Kingdom, he is often shown to be very hammy. He's almost friends with everyone except for Alchemist Cookie, which he despises.