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For I am Diana of Themyscira, Last of the Amazons, daughter of Circe, Princess of Hell, Witch of the Wild Isle. And you will not have this world while I still draw breath!
~ Wonder Woman to Harbinger Prime

Princess Diana of Themyscira is the Amazonian warrior Wonder Woman who fights for peace and justice and defends Earth from all manner of threats, ranging from criminals to gods. In the Absolute Universe, Diana is the last of the Amazons and was raised in Hell by Circe.



Princess Diana was born amongst her fellow Amazons on the paradise island of Themyscira when Zeus had them all wiped out for opposing the will of the gods. Only Diana was spared of Zeus's wrath and she was taken to Hell by the sun god Apollo to be left on the Wild Isle, an island which served as a prison for the witch Circe. Apollo tasked Circe to supervise Diana and made it so she could not mention the word Amazon as a way of hiding the truth of Diana's heritage. Circe did not particularly care about raising Diana at first, but gradually warmed up to her over time as she observed the infant using her strength and compassion to pacify creatures intending to do her harm. As time went on, The sorceress came to love Diana as her own daughter and she began to teach her the meaning behind words she as curious about as well as tutoring her in the ways of magic as she got older. Eventually, Diana came across the word Amazon which resonated with her on a primordial level. Concerned by this, she asked Circe what the word meant and was told of her Amazonian lineage, as well as how Amazons protected the mortal world from ancient monsters that sought to feast upon it. Empowered by what she learnt, Diana embraced her heritage and desired to carry on the Amazon's duty.

Sometime later, a man washed ashore on the Wild Isle named Steve Trevor, who Diana saves from a kraken. Believing Steve was not supposed to be in Hell, Diana searches for a spell that can return him to the mortal world. Upon finding the spell, Diana came to believe that Steve's arrival was a test on her worth as a Amazon since the spell required a blood sacrifice. Diana resolves to sacrifice her own arm to perform the spell and Steve returns to the mortal world, which also proves Diana's destiny as a Amazonian hero. With her way forward clear, Diana leaves Hell to defend the world as Wonder Woman.

Absolute Wonder Woman[]



  • This version of Wonder Woman was the first character born in the Absolute Universe to have any dialog.


           Wonder Woman logo Heroes

Wonder Woman | Cassie Sandsmark | Nubia | Donna Troy | Artemis | Yara Flor | Peng Deilan | Jason | Trinity
Supporting Characters
Antiope | Hippotyta | Steve Trevor | Etta Candy

Wonder Woman (2009): Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman (2017): Wonder Woman | Steve Trevor | Hippolyta | Antiope | Zeus
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines: Wonder Woman | Steve Trevor | Etta Candy | Hippolyta | Julia Kapatelis
Wonder Woman 1984: Wonder Woman | Steve Trevor | Hippolyta | Antiope

Wonder Woman (1970s series): Wonder Woman | Wonder Girl

Also See
Justice League Heroes | DC Multiverse Heroes

           DC Comics logo.svg Multiverse Heroes

Parallel Universes and Timelines
Absolute Universe: Batman | Superman | Wonder Woman
DC vs Vampires: Alfred Pennyworth | Batgirl | Batman | Batwoman | Damian Wayne | Green Arrow | Jayna | Killer Croc | Mister Miracle | Supergirl
The Dark Knight Returns: Batman | Carrie Kelley | Green Arrow | Superman
JLA: The Nail: Atom | Batman | Batwoman | Hawkwoman | Martian Manhunter | Superman | The Flash | Wonder Woman
Just Imagine: Batman | Catwoman | Superman | Wonder Woman
Batman & Dracula: Alfred Pennyworth | Batman | Commissioner Gordon | Selina Kyle | Tanya
Earth One: Batman | Killer Croc | Superman | Wonder Woman
Batman: Full Moon: Batman | Man-Bat
Flashpoint: Batman | Cyborg | Element Woman | Superman
Last Rites: Batman | Batwoman | Catwoman
Futures End: Batman | Bruce Wayne
DC Future State: Aquaman | Aquawoman | Batman | Green Lantern | Superman | Superwoman | The Flash | Wonder Woman (Nubia, Yara Flor)
DC One Million: Aquaman | Batman | Hourman | Starman | Superman | Superman Prime | The Flash | Wonder Woman
Others: Batgirl (Zero Hour) | Batman (Dark Prince Charming) | Batman (Speeding Bullets) | Batman (The Blue, the Grey, and the Bat) | Bruce Wayne (Castle of the Bat) | Catwoman (Guardian of Gotham) | Jokester | President Superman | Superman (Golden Age)
