“ | I am Diana, Princess of the Amazons, I won't be denied! | „ |
~ Wonder Woman |
Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman is one of the main protagonists of the DC Animated Universe, and a founding member of the Justice League.
She started life as a clay sculpture. Her mother, Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, breathed life into her so that she might have a child of her own. She later realized that she was not sculpted by her mother alone, but with her mother's lover Hades as well. She was given a chance to verify this information but turned it down because she had no doubt in her mind that she was born and raised by Hippolyta.
She was voiced by Susan Eisenberg.
Diana grew up the princess of the people of Themyscira, beloved by everyone on the island. In the episode "Secret Origins", "Man's World" came under attack by the Imperium; Diana proposes to her mother that they send help. When Hippolyta refused to intervene, Diana still felt it was her duty to help. During the night, Diana secretly entered the Temple of Athena and took the goddess' magic armor. After this, she received a distress call from the Martian J'onn J'onzz. Diana left Themyscira and traveled to where she felt the summons originating.
Following the distress call to its source, she arrived in a canyon along with Green Lantern, Hawkgirl and the Flash. There, the group took part in a battle where Diana even saved Hawkgirl from one of the fighter craft. She was instantly noticed for her beauty and revealing armor, most notably by Flash. However, the others noted that she was a newcomer in the ways of fighting as a hero. They referred to her as "the rookie with the tiara."
Diana joined the other six individuals to combat the Imperium, first joining Batman and J'onn to destroy one of the invaders' factories in Egypt. The attack seemingly resulted in Batman's demise, forcing Diana and J'onn to meet Green Lantern and Flash in Metropolis in order to rescue the captured Superman and Hawkgirl. However, they too were captured soon after.
During the Imperium's torture of J'onn, Batman arrived, alive and well, to reverse the effects of the factory. Diana was freed of her bonds and punctured large holes in the building, letting the sunlight in to destroy the invaders. When the Imperium attempted to escape, Diana used her lasso to hold the ship down. After being hit by a laser cannon, Hawkgirl smashed her mace into the shuttle, buying time for Diana to regain control of the ship while the Thanagarian delivered the final blow.
Diana participated in the expansion of the Justice League, eventually moving on board the new Watchtower. She even acquired an invisible jet for her own use.As the League grew to include over sixty new members, Diana served on the League's founding council and as a mission leader.
Diana remained busy in the wake of the League's expansion. She and Batman battled Mongul within the confines of Superman's Fortress of Solitude, both receiving a vicious beating during the fight. Diana watched as Superman and Batman were given their ideal dreams as the telepathic plant called the Black Mercy was stuck to their chests. She finally managed to forcefully pull the alien parasite off of Batman, fully struggled against it and uses it against Mongul, trapping him for good. Diana also accompanied Superman, Green Lantern, and Batman when Morgaine Le Fay transformed them into children in order to stop Mordred from taking over the world after he had banished all of the adults.
Another mission that Diana led included her leading Hawk and Dove to stop the god Ares from igniting a civil war in Kaznia through the use of a weapon known as the Annihilator. The weapon had been forged by Hephaestus, the god who had also created Diana's armor and indirectly helped her to contain her own wrath.
Shortly thereafter, Diana joined Batman on a stakeout to stop Intergang. While on the mission, they were intercepted by the sorceress Circe, who transformed Diana into a pig. Batman was forced to employ the help of Zatanna, but Diana soon broke loose, forcing him to seek the help of B'wana Beast to hunt her down. She wandered into a butchering factory where she was captured by the workers and almost butchered herself. However, Batman had struck a deal with Circe and the spell was reversed before any serious harm was done to Diana.
Diana continued to work on League missions, such as assisting in stopping the Dark Heart. She would, however, be forced to deal with old feelings of betrayal when Shayera returned to the ranks of the League. The relationship between the two women would remain hostile for some time, despite attempts from friends such as Flash to help them patch things up.
Wonder Woman is an attractive and very beautiful woman with jet black hair, blue eyes, prominent cheek bones and a muscular physique. She wears her tiara and her metal arm bracelets. She wears a leotard like bodysuit: the top half is red with a golden stylized W with a belt, and the bottom half is blue with stars and silver pads and red boots with white stripes. Her outfit was conceived long before the show by William Marsden, inventor of the lie-detector and an out-spoken feminist. Wonder Woman's outfit has been reinvented for many different adaptations, the DC Animated Universe, version, tries to blend the kitschy 50s patriotism of her outfit with a more Greek look, while keeping most of the color scheme.
Diana is an unapologetic feminist. However, she does see her people's bias as problematic boarding on xenophobic. As Wonder Woman, she is declared ambassador of Themyscira and works to soften her people's latent misandristic traits, which she herself never carried, albeit was almost driven to them due to the evil that does exist in many men. Though she often tries to reign herself in, she does show on occasion that she shares her people's misandry, albeit it to a much lesser extent. However, over the course of the series, this gradually goes away the more time she spends with men who share her code of honor, sense of justice and dedication to protecting the innocence. It is partially for this reason that as the series goes on, this incarnation of Diana develops a relationship with Batman out of her respect and admiration for him. While Batman's insecurity and fear often made him deny their mutual attraction, Diana wasn't dissuaded, still attempting to convince him; nevertheless, even while he avoided making their relationship more intimate, Diana and Bruce were close allies in battle and considerate friends away from it, which indicates how she doesn't allow disappointment to taint her closest relationships.
This version of Diana is also notable for being fairly hot-headed, being quick to voice her dissatisfaction when others annoy her, when they do things at her expense without giving her a heads-up in advance, and especially when she feels she's being disrespected or underestimated, in which case she'll often get outright confrontational. This also extends to her strong distaste for injustice. In fact, because of this, there have been certain cases where when really pushed, she'll be quick to use pretty brutal force and have to be talked down by her teammates from avoiding taking it to lethal extremes, most notably when she nearly killed Toyman in retaliation when it looked like he killed Superman. Another instance was when she nearly gave the leader of some bank robbers a severe beating after she already neutralized him out of frustration from constantly dealing with people like them who never learn their lesson and disrupting her on her day off.
Despite her flaws though, this version of Diana is still very loyal, selfless, compassionate, nurturing, and most of the time, even kind. She is often one of the quickest out of all of the members of the league to help people even when it's unnecessary, not part of the main objective, or even detrimental to it simply because it's the right thing to do. Also, when other members are dealing with either emotional pain or personal problems, she's often one of the most openly empathetic. One of the only exceptions was when Shayera betrayed the rest of them due to her conflicting loyalty to her people, likely because she was extremely hurt by it and that kind of disloyalty is very against her values. However, even then, they eventually managed to largely make up and agree they could at least work well together again. She is also quick to give credit when it's due. And of course, it's worth remembering that she first went to Earth even though it was against her mother's wishes because she didn't feel she could stand by when it was in trouble and she could do something about it. So, while her passionate and occasionally fiery nature can be a problem from time to time, it largely shapes her personality in a positive way; that of a strong-willed and independent woman who cares a lot about protecting the innocent, will never back down in the face of injustice, and easily empathizes both with her teammates and others who are in need.
While she was a firm believer in Amazonian ideals, her faith was shaken when her adopted sister, Aresia, went on a crusade to exterminate all men in the world; Aresia had been a war orphan, and thus held contempt for the soldiers that destroyed her home. Eventually, she ended up shipwrecked on Themyscria. Adopted as an Amazon, she was raised with Amazonian concepts of honour and way of the warrior, but also learning of the evils of men. Her existing trauma twisted her into beginning her genocidal campaign, which was something Hippolyta never encouraged, but Aresia felt was inferred. Hippolyta reveals that as a child, Aresia only survived the shipwreck because the captain, a man, carried her to shore; he sacrificed his life for her, thereby became the first and only man to be interred in Amazonian soil. Hippolyta admits that she never shared this fact because she thought, as a man, he didn't matter, but tries to amend that belief and appeal to Aresia's conscience and rationality. However, Aresia was too far gone, resulting in continuing her plan until its cessation caused her own death. Diana was disillusioned that Themyscria could inspire such hate, thereby while still adhering to many of its principles, she discarded the unintentional misandry that is taught to the Amazons.
Hades - due to his prior relationship with Hippolyta - implies that he is her father. While paused at first, Diana dismisses the assertion, as even if it was true, Hippolyta is her mother and the only parent that was there for her growing up, nurturing, teaching, and training her, and is the one that inspired her belief in justice, thus is the only parent she acknowledges.
Diana has a strong sense of discipline, which seems tied to her maturity. When Morgaine Le Fay's son, Mordred, cast a spell banishing all adults to a different mystical dimension; to return, the main members of the Justice League needed to be de-aged into adolescence by Morgaine, who reversed them into their early teens, returning them to Earth to confront Mordred. As an early teen, Diana was more open about her attraction to Batman (or Batboy, in this case), as created opportunities to be alone with him, playfully teased him, and flirted with him; since Batboy was still older than when his parents died, he didn't lose his brooding attitude, though lacking his adult physique made him less reliable, and dependent upon Diana, which she enjoyed. Upon regaining adulthood, Diana had some childlike spirit left, tried to relate to Batman about their shared experience, and it was fun to be a kid again, albeit he solemnly noted he hasn't been a child since his parents died; still, she took this melancholy in stride.
Skills and Abilities[]

Wonder Woman is capable of using her Bracelets of Submission to deflect gunfire, small missiles, and other projectile weaponry.
Diana has shown herself to be one of the most powerful beings in the Justice League, and the DC Animated Universe as a whole. She was blessed by the Greek Gods with similar enhanced abilities, including amazing speed, reflexes, strength, endurance and the power of flight. Diana provides additional muscle to the Justice League lineup, besides Superman. She can break apart materials more resistant than steel and pulverize solids stronger than concrete with her bare hands. She has strength comparable to Superman in his base state, however, she is much weaker than Superman when he is not holding back. While hypnotized in Roulette's Glamor Slam, she fought various other powerful superheroines, including Black Canary, Vixen, Huntress, and even fellow Justice League founder Hawkgirl, at the same time and was dominating them throughout most of the fight.
As an Amazon, Diana was ageless and immortal, allowing her to live indefinitely without physically aging beyond her youthful prime. However, she was still vulnerable to death upon sufficient injuries and such.
Diana has described herself as a "warrior born" and has undergone lifetime of combat experience, due to her exclusive Amazonian training. This provided her expertise in both hand-to-hand combat and hand-held weapons.
- Bracelets: Diana was adept at providing cover for her allies, utilizing her superhuman reflexes along with silver bracelets that can deflect all sorts of projectiles through her "anti-bullets routine". This includes artillery fire, lasers, and Green Lantern-style energy beams and constructs.

Wonder Woman uses her Lasso of Truth to prevent the alien spaceship from leaving.
- Lasso: Also of note was Diana's indestructible golden lasso, which proved very useful on multiple occasions for seizing various objects. It also contains the power to force the truth out of anyone wrapped in it.
- Armor: Diana wears an armor created by the Greek god, Hephaestus. Initially, the armor was taken by her without permission and thus it was some time before Diana became aware of its additional potential. Her armor was stated to have a weakness, though it was never revealed.
- While originally unarmed, except for the Lasso of Truth, in Justice League vs. The Fatal Five, she had a sword and shield due to most versions from 2000 onward wielding them.
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