Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

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Heroine Overview

Our mission is to protect the innocent. And that is what we must do!
~ Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman (or for short, "Wondy", as that’s what her friends call her) is the main protagonist in DC Super Hero Girls. She was raised on the paradise island of Themyscira, a place overflowing with female warriors. A natural born leader, it's her mission to make the entire world a better and safer place. Luckily for the people of Metropolis she’s arriving at just the right time. Upon arriving at Super Hero High, she becomes a roommate of fun-loving prankster Harley Quinn.


As Diana Prince she has blueish black hair with a golden headband and a pink shirt and a blue skirt. As wonder woman she has a crown and some shoulder thing on her shoulder and a red shirt with wonder woman symbol on it and a blue skirt with stars on it and those things on her arms that she always with her arms together and the shine. her shoes are like shiny red and white lines and golden thing on her knees.


She is, Heroic, Kind, Leadershipy and, Responible. But when she is around Steve Trevor she is, Shy, Cute, Clumsy and, Shy.




  • Demigod Physiology
  • Amazon Physiology
  • Supernatural Strength
  • Strength Combat
  • Supernatural Speed
  • Speed Combat
  • Supernaturally Dense Tissue
  • Supernatural Agility
  • Athletic Combat
  • Aerial Adaptation
  • Atmospheric Adaptation
  • Vacuum Adaptation
  • Levitation
  • Flight
  • High-Speed Flight
  • Interstellar Travel
  • Aerial Combat Mastery
  • Combat Specialist
  • Enhanced Charisma
  • Fashion Ability Manifestation
  • Bulletproof Durability
  • Gauntlet Proficiency
  • Deflection
  • Divine Whip Generation
  • Magic Whip Generation
  • Enhanced Whipmanship
  • Trapping Combat
  • Truth Inducement
  • Enhanced Shieldmanship
  • Aviation Intuition
  • Invisibility
  • Invisibility Combat
The Leader

"Wondy" (that’s what her friends call her) was raised on the paradise island of Themyscira, a place overflowing with female warriors. A natural born leader, it's her mission to make the entire world a better and safer place. Luckily for the people of Metropolis she’s arriving at just the right time.


  • Bracelets
  • Invisible Plane
  • Lasso of Truth
  • Shield

External Links[]


           DC SuperHero Girls logo Heroes

DC Superhero Girls (G1)
Main Characters
Wonder Woman | Supergirl | Poison Ivy | Harley Quinn | Katana | Bumblebee | Batgirl | DC Super Hero Girls
Secondary (Original)
Amanda Waller | Starfire | Frost | Beast Boy | Big Barda | Blackfire | Cheetah | Hal Jordan | Lady Shiva | Hawkgirl | Jessica Cruz | Miss Martian | Raven | Star Sapphire | The Flash | Cyborg | Lois Lane | Robin

DC Superhero Girls (G2)
Main Characters
Wonder Woman | Batgirl | Supergirl | Zatanna | Jessica Cruz | Bumblebee | Harley Quinn | DC Super Hero Girls
Secondary (Reboot)
Katana | Oliver Queen | Hal Jordan | Steve Trevor | The Flash | Hawkman | Aqualad | Invinci-Bros | Blue Beetle | Superman | Batman | Aquaman | John Stewart | Robin | Beast Boy | Starfire | Cyborg | Raven
