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I am Worf, son of Mogh, House of Martok, son of Sergei, House of Rozhenko, Bane to the Duras Family, slayer of Gowron. I have made some chamomile tea. Do you take sugar?
~ Worf, introducing himself to Raffi Musiker

Worf, Son of Mogh is a heroic character from the Star Trek franchise. He was also the first Klingon in Starfleet, to be followed by B'Elanna Torres and her daughter, Miral Paris.

He was played by Michael Dorn, notable for his voice roles as Marcus and Frank Horrigan in Fallout 2, as well as Maero in Saints Row 2.


Worf was born on the Klingon homeworld of Qo'noS on the Earth date Dec. 9, 2340. He was the son of Mogh and his wife Kaasin, and was named after Mogh's father. He was the elder brother of Kurn. At a young age Worf accompanied his parents to the Khitomer as Mogh attempted to track down a traitor who was working with the Romulans. Mogh was unable to uncover Ja'rod's treason before the Romulans attacked, killing over 4,000 Klingons - including both of Worf's parents.

The Starfleet vessel Interpid responded to the disaster. Worf was discovered by a Chief named Sergey Rozhenko. Worf had some injuries that resulted in some memory loss. Informed that Worf had no surviving relatives, Sergey and his wife Helena took Worf into their family. Mogh's friend Lorgh assisted in making sure the adoption was approved by the Klingon government. In order to ensure the survival of the House of Mogh Lorgh in turn raised Kurn as his own son.

Worf tragically learned the need to be disciplined in his reaction with humans when he accidentally head butted another young human named Mikel during a soccer match. Mikel broke his neck in the process. Even though it was an accident Worf felt a great deal of guilt over causing that death, and worked to make sure another accident like that never happened again. This caused him to distance himself from others and carry himself with a serious demeanor.

When Worf came of age he and his human brother Nikolai entered Starfleet Academy. Nikolai found he didn't like life at the academy and left after about a year. Worf stayed with it and graduated in 2361. During his time at the academy he met a female Klingon/human hybrid named K'Ehleyr and began a relationship with her. The pair broke off their relationship when they realized they were not ready for a long term commitment to each other.

In 2364 Worf was assigned to the Enterprise-D under Captain Jean-Luc Picard. He was reunited with K'Ehleyr in 2365 for a mission to find the Klingon ship T'Ong, whose crew had been in cryosleep for over 70 years. During the mission Worf and K'Ehleyr conceived a son who K'Ehleyr named Alexander.

Reunited with his brother Kurn in 2366, Worf was discommended by the Klingon High Council in order to cover up the crimes of Ja'rod, the father of Duras and a leader of a rival house. The following year Worf met K'Ehleyr again when she traveled with Chancellor K'mpec to ask Picard to be the arbiter of succession after K'mpec's death. She brought their son Alexander along, introducing the young Klingon to his father. K'Ehleyr was murdered by Duras a few days later. Claiming the right of vengeance on the grounds that K'Ehleyr was his wife, Worf slew Duras. While the death of Duras was in keeping with Klingon law and tradition, Picard considered it unacceptable for a Starfleet officer to kill another in this manner, and entered a formal reprimand in Worf's record.

Worf left Starfleet in late 2367 to fight in the Klingon civil war on behalf of Gowron. After Gowron was restored as chancellor, his first act was to restore the honor of Worf and the House of Mogh. Due to his actions in the war, Worf would become highly respected. Upon the war's conclusion, Worf requested reinstatement and was allowed to return to duty on the Enterprise Worf remained on the Enterprise until the ship was destroyed in 2371.

Worf later began a relationship with Deanna Troi, but that relationship did not work out long term and the pair parted amicably by 2375. Troi resumed her earlier relationship with Commander Riker, and would later marry him.

After the destruction of the Enterprise Worf traveled to Boreth for extended leave, spending time in discussions with the clerics who maintained the monastery on that world. Worf seriously considered leaving Starfleet as he no longer felt he had a purpose in Starfleet. He was called to assist Captain Benjamin Sisko on Deep Space Nine. At Sisko's behest Worf decided to remain on DS9. He accepted a transfer from security to operations, and became DS9's strategic operations officer.

During his time on DS9 Worf became close friends with and eventually married the joined Trill Jadzia Dax. In 2374 Worf chose to save Jadzia's life instead of going to a rezendevous with a Cardassian defector, this seriously damaged Worf's career and Benjamin Sisko told him he would probably never be given his own command after this. Starfleet entered a reprimand in Worf's file stating that due to the nature of the mission Worf would not face further discipline but that he would not be promoted any further nor given his own command.

He was assigned to DS9 until 2375, when he was named Ambassador to the Klingon Empire. Some time prior to 2382 he left that posting and returned to Starfleet, accepting a posting on the Enterprise. After Commander Riker finally accepted a promotion to Captain and was named the new commanding officer of the USS Titan, Worf accepted the role of first officer of the Titan. However, after the death of Commander Data, Worf remained on the Enterprise and was promoted to full commander and first officer.

After Picard was promoted to the rank of Admiral in 2382, Picard recommended Worf be promoted to Captain and appointed to succeed him as commanding officer of the Enterprise-E. There was some small resistance from officers such as then Captain Kristen Clancey due to Worf's reprimand for putting Jadzia Dax's life ahead of his mission on Sakura, but Picard argued Worf was a better officer due to his experience and had given exemplary service in all the years following that incident. Picard also argued that it would be good for Klingon-Federation relations to have a Klingon commanding Starfleet's flagship. Agreeing with Picard, Starfleet promoted Worf to Captain and gave him command of the Enterprise.

Worf was still alive in 2399, when retired Admiral Picard's aide Zhaban suggested he contact Worf and his other former Enterprise crewmates to assist him in his quest to save the life of Soji Asha. Picard admitted he thought about doing so but decided against doing so as Worf and the others would have joined him without hesitation, and Picard did not want Worf or his former colleagues to endanger themselves on his behalf.

By 2401, Worf was working as an independent contractor for Starfleet Intelligence, and was Raffi Musiker's handler. When she went to confront the Ferengi Sneed over his role in destroying a Starfleet recruitment center, Sneed saw through her deception and attempted to kill her. Worf was forced to go and rescue her. Afterwards Worf revealed that he had received information from Odo about renegade Changelings who rejected the Dominion surrender and were trying to take revenge on the Federation for their defeat in the Dominion War.

Worf's concerns on this intel were justified as a faction of rogue Changelings led by Vadic had infiltrated Starfleet and infected the transporter system with Borg DNA taken from Picard's original body that had lingered there ever since his assimilation as Locutus of Borg. During Frontier Day, as Fleet Admiral Shelby was leading Starfleet from the USS Enterprise-F in the new Fleet Formation protocol (really another step by the Changelings in the Borg Queen's endgame), Worf, Picard, and the rest of the former Enterprise command crew tried to warn Shelby of the danger. Though she was alarmed at the mention of the Borg still being around, it was too late. Every Starfleet crew member under the age of 25 was assimilated into loyal Borg Drones and began slaughtering all of the unassimilated, including Shelby. Seven of Nine and Raffi provide cover for Worf, Picard, Troi, Riker, Crusher, Data, and LaForge to escape and retreat back to the Starfleet Museum, where Geordi reveals a surprise to the rest of the reunited crew: The refurbished USS Enterprise-D, salvaged from Veridian III per the Prime Directive, her destroyed stardrive section replaced with that of her sister ship, USS Syracuse, and despite still bearing the scars of its last battle with the Duras Sisters over Veridian III, it was more than ready to return to active duty to save Earth and the Federation from the Borg once more. Worf still argues over wanting to use the weapon systems on the Enterprise-E, such as the quantum torpedoes, but Troi shuts him up on the matter. Once the ship is powered up, they set course back to the Sol System to save Earth.

However, they soon discover the Borg Queen's Cube hidden in the Big Red Spot of Jupiter's surface, and go to investigate. Worf beams down with Riker and Picard, and while Picard goes to look for the Borg Queen and Jack, Riker and Worf look for the core as destroying that will sever the Queen's control over Starfleet. Once they find it, and fight off several surviving Borg Drones using phasers and Worf's Klingon sword, they refuse to evacuate without Picard, and head in to find him, locating him just as Jean-Luc willingly rejoins the Collective to try and free Jack from it as the Enterprise destroys the core, setting off a chain reaction to destroy the entire Cube. Riker asks Worf is this is a good way to go out, and Worf agrees this is the perfect way to die with honor, as a Klingon would want, with sacrificing your life to save thousands more, including your own kind, the highest level of honor there can be. Thankfully, Picard frees Jack from the hive mind of the Collective, and Troi pilots the Enterprise down to beam Picard, Jack, Riker, and Worf to safety, leaving the Borg Queen to howl in anguish as she and her Cube are destroyed, ending the threat of the Borg once and for all.

Back on the Enterprise, Worf returns to the bridge, and soon collapses in one of the command chairs, so worn out from the excitement that he falls asleep, his snoring immediately noticed by Geordi and Data.

Once back at Earth, Worf helps Raffi with patching things up with her family, and she thanks him for it. Afterwards, Worf joins the rest of his old crewmates at Guinan's bar, Ten Forward, in Los Angeles for one last toast and poker game.

First Splinter Timeline Continuity[]

Due to temporal interference by the Borg, a separate timeline branched off from the prime reality when the Enterprise-E returned to the 24th century after stopping the Borg from interfering in human history. The timeline, which would come to be called the First Splinter Timeline, was at first identical to the prime reality timeline, with Worf becoming an ambassador to the Klingon Empire after the Dominion War. As an ambassador Worf played a critical role in helping Chancellor Martok regain control of the Empire following Gothmara's coup.

Feeling unfulfilled in his role as Ambassador, Worf approached President Nanietta Bacco and requested to be reinstated in Starfleet, the one place where he felt fulfilled. He nominated his son Alexander to be his replacement as Ambassador. President Bacco agreed to his request and his recommended replacement, and Worf rejoined Starfleet by 2379. Like in the prime reality, he became first officer of the Enterprise-E after William Riker was promoted to Captain and named commanding officer of the USS Titan and Commander Data sacrificed himself to save the Enterprise.

Due to his exemplary service Admiral Leonard James Akaar placed Worf on a list of officers to be promoted to Captain and offered his own ship in 2386. Captain Picard expected that the promotion would happen within a year and told Worf that with the exception of Geordi LaForge that Worf might want to start thinking of candidates to be first officer. Worf responded he already had someone in mind.

In this timeline, Worf died in 2387, fighting to keep the prime reality safe from the Devidians, who were collapsing timelines to obtain neuro energy. A short time later, Captain Picard initated a temporal reversion, stopping the timeline from ever forming.

Memorable Quotes[]

Sir, I protest! I am not a merry man!
~ Worf on being forced to play Will Scarlet in Q's Sherwood Forrest recreation.
What are his rights in this century? Is there a trial? Or shall I execute him?
~ Worf asking Alexander how he should handle Eli Hollander after arresting him.



  • Worf was portrayed by Michael Dorn in The Next Generation (TV series and films), Deep Space Nine, and most recently, Star Trek Online mmo game. Dorn won the part by showing up to his audition acting like what a Klingon did. That along with Dorn's stage training and lack of what the producers called "street accent" led to them offering the part to Dorn.
  • Worf was originally intended to be a reoccurring character during the first few episodes of the series. Seeing that the character of Worf had a presence they made him a regular character on the series.
  • Guinan introduced Worf to prune juice, which quickly became his preferred drink. Though he still enjoys blood wine, preferred sweet and young. (Don't know WHAT its made of, but somethings are better left unknown).
  • Due to the sheer number of appearances in TNG, DS9, and films the character of Worf currently holds the record of the most appearances in all of Star Trek.
  • Dorn also portrayed Worf's grandfather in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
  • The late James Avery, Julian Christopher and the late Brock Peters were all considered for the role of Worf before Dorn was cast.
  • Romulan Ale gives him headaches.
  • Worf is the only male in the main TNG cast to not wear the Voyager-style uniform in Star Trek: Generations, he would later wear the Voyager-style uniform when joining the DS9 crew in the last four seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but sporting command red like in the first season of TNG.
  • Worf, along with Beverly Crusher and Troi are the only three in the TNG main cast to remain wearing the TV series uniform in Star Trek: Generations.
  • While not canon, the idea of a Klingon Starfleet officer was first explored in Star Trek comic books with the character Konom, a pacifist who defected to the Federation after becoming disgusted by his people's warlike ways.