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Heroes Wiki

Worton is an antagonist turned ally in the second arc of Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge. He is a member of the Nonets Imprissed in the Doom Demension.


Worton is a fierce combatant who is capable of defeating enemies at nearly any environment. He is also intelligent as he sensed that there were no Bakugan on New Vestroia and living on earth with the Humans. He can sometimes keep secrets but the Nonets never dought him. After being betraed by Wiseman he aids the bralwers in their quest to stop him.


He first appeard with the other nonets Betadron, Kodokor Mutabrid, Tremblar Spatterix Stronk, and Balista being trapped in The doom Dememsion. He tells the evil Mectagon Coredegon, Slycerak, Exostriker, and Mandibor that they wont find any Bakugan on New Vestroya. Coredgon thinks he is liying which Balista tells him that Worton would never lie. The mechtagon leave trapping the Nonets. He than says that they will be stopped by Dan Kuso.

Later a masked man named Wiseman shows up and tells the Nonets that Pryas Drago is the descendant of the Original Dragonoid for banished them in the Doom Dimension and offers them their freedom in exchange for their help in summoning the four Mechtogan that attacked Bakugan City earlier. The other nonets get mad at Worton for not telling them this information sooner. He says it wouldnt have mattered since they would still be trapped. He then fought the Battle Brawlers along with other Nonets but he barely battled since he didn't attack any of the Brawlers Bakugan. He helped summon the evil Mechtogan and was later defeated alongside the other Nonets when they lost control of Mechtavius Destroyer.

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           Bakugan LOGO Heroes

Main Heroes
Dan Kuso | Marucho Marukura | Shun Kazami | Julie Makimoto | Runo Misaki | Alice Gehabich | Mira Clay | Baron Leltoy | Ace Grit | Spectra Phantom | Gus Grav | Jake Vallory | Fabia Sheen | Paige | Rafe | Ren Krawler

Secondary Heroes
Player (Bakugan Battle Brawlers) | Player (Defenders of the Core) | Player (Dimensions) | Player (Champions of Vestroia) | Dr. Michael Gehabich | Joe Brown | JJ Dolls | Nene | Akira | Shuji | Chan Lee | Billy Gilbert | Julio Santana | Komba O'Charlie | Klaus von Hertzon | Masqerade | Prince Hydron | Christopher | Gunz Lazar | Team Anubias | Team Sellon | Zenet Surrow | Jesse Glenn | Lena Isis | Mason Brown | Ben | Robin | Jack Punt | Noah | Chris | Soon | Castle Knights | Jin | Dylan | Serena Sheen | Captain Elright | Linus Claude | Code Eve | Kato | Nurzak

Drago | Tigrerra | Preyas | Skyress | Gorem | Hydranoid | Nemus | Wilda | Mock Dragonoid | Preyas Angelo | Leonidas | Rubanoid | Elfin | Cycloid | Harpus | Tentaclear | Fourtress | Scorpio | Baliton | Piercian | Falcon Fly | Tripod Epsilon | Hylash | Shadow Wing | Wontu | Infinity Trister | Boulderon | Wolfurio | Ingram | Taylean | Avior | Linehalt | Coredem | Akwimos | Hawktor | Aranaut | Percival | Wavern | Sirenoid | Juggernoid | Falconeer | Serpenoid | Ravenoid | Helios | Vulcan | Scraper | Klawgor | Foxbat | Fencer | Leefram | Spindle | Dark Hound | Grakas Hound | Grafias | Brachium | Spitarm | Spyderfencer | Betadron | Worton | Accelerak | Thorak | Flytris | Sabator | Zenthon | Silent Strike | Zenthon Titan | Faser Titan | Slynix | Vexfist | Swift Sweep | Chromopod | Spidaro | Clawsaurus | Aerogan | Neo Ziperator | Raptorix | Nova Lion | Reptak | Jaakor | Skytruss | Orbeum | Radizen | Roxtor | Amazon | Genesis Dragonoid | Tricloid | Rabeeder | Contestir | Plitheon | Phosphos | Rubanoid | Ziperator Force | Dragonoid Destroyer | Dragonoid Colossus

Six Ancient Warriors
Apollonir | Frosch | Oberus | Clayf | Lar Lion | Exedra
