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Heroes Wiki

Theodore "Teddy" Grank or as he is known as "Wounded Bird" or "W.B." is a supporting character in the film Rango. He is a crow, according to both the video game and the official movie website. He was a member of a Native American Tribe and Rango's Deputy.

He was voiced by Gil Birmingham.

Bio in the Film[]

Part of the posse and Rango's deputy, the W.B. is a Native American crow who is a quiet bystander and uses a crutch of some sort to help himself walk. His general information from the movie's website states that his tracking skills are legendary, and that he's big in Finland for reasons unknown. Not only is he a lot more serious and experienced in the desert, he has a much better idea of how to track down the water thieves.

Personalities and Abilities[]

From time to time, the W.B. was the sensible one of the group, often seen correcting Rango's errors and pointed out clues while the posse was usually oblivious, and W.B. also being a father figure to him. For instance, he led his godson to notice the hole on the ground which the mole robbers used to sneak into the bank. He was also one of the few characters who initially showed apparent suspicion of the Mayor, who was indeed the one behind the water problem.

He was remarkably tranquil. He remained an expressionless face no matter what kinds of situations he was in, even when he was shot by Rattlesnake Jake. His lyalty to his friends is undying as when Rango's and Rattlesnake Jake's duel began, the W.B. attempted to sniped Jake.

Like other townsfolks of Dirt, he could used firearms reasonably well.


  • According to concept art, his name was originally Half Bird.
  • Had the filmmakers made a sequel, they would have revealed how Wounded Bird got his injury.


           Rango logo Heroes

Rango | Beans (Rango) | Spirit of the West | Priscilla | Wounded Bird | Roadkill
