Wu-Ruixiang is a heroine in the Samurai Shodown video game series, originally appearing in Samurai Shodown (2019). She is a chinese princess and a embassador.
She was voiced by Seira Ryū.
From the beginning of development, it is decided that three new characters will follow a handsome warrior, a woman with great power and the concept of Feng Shui. Nobuyuki Kuroki then asked Yumi Saji to design the character first, and then he will begin to enrich the various elements. Blackwood said the team decided to join a gag called Megane. They added a detail, and if you are disarmed, she will look at her glasses.
As an ancient and glorious descendant of the Feng Shui clan, Wu-Ruixiang is a woman serving the Qing Dynasty. Her mission is to protect generations of long wheat, she traveled to various places under the command of the emperor. She calls forth the power of the beasts, and her secret art can even summon a dragon.
Wu-Ruixiang is wise, but extremely clumsy. However, she is also dreads exercise as she tends to seclude herself indoors.