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Hero Overview

The past is the past, but there is always the future.
~ Wu
Remarkable. Simply Remarkable.
~ Wu's last lines, as well as the closing lines of the original series.
When there is no calm outside of you, you must find the calm inside of you. Find your inner peace, your balance, and the outer chaos will go away.
~ Wu to his nephew Lloyd.

Master Wu is a major character in LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu and one of the overarching protagonists of Lego Ninjago: Dragons Rising.

He is a wise old man and the mentor and master to the six Ninja (Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, and Nya). He is the First Spinjitzu Master's second-born son, Misako's brother-in-law, Garmadon's younger brother, and Lloyd's paternal uncle.

He is voiced by Paul Dobson in the series. In the LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids handheld game, he is voiced by William Salyers and in LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin, he is voiced by Eric Meyers.



Wu grew up learning the art of the ninja alongside his older brother, Garmadon, who was infected with evil. They fought together as a team against evil for countless years, until Garmadon's corruption completed and he was subsequently banished to the Underworld.

Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]

Around a decade later, Wu trained a group of teenagers in the ways of Spinjitzu so they could protect the land his father created. Wu guided the ninja in many battles against his brother, the Serpentine, and the Overlord. When the Nindroid crisis began, Wu was corrupted into a cyborg but was purified after the Digital Overlord was vanquished. After the ninja went to a mysterious island to save Zane, Wu joined the Elemental Masters to fight Chen and his Anacondrai warriors.

After Garmadon was banished to the Cursed Realm and the close of the Second Serpentine War, Wu's first pupil, Morro, escaped the Cursed Realm. Wu trained Nya to harness her element, allowing her to destroy Morro's master. Shortly after, Nadakhan ravaged Ninjago and trapped Wu in the Sword of Souls, though these events were undone by Jay's final wish. On the Day of the Departed, Wu was met with a revived Morro, who helped Wu reunite the ninja during Yang's scheming. Wu later confronted Acronix, who struck him with the Forward Time Blade that caused him to rapidly age. Though his health was restored by the Reversal Time Blade, he sacrificed himself in a bid to defeat the Time Twins and was lost in time. The loss of Wu left Lloyd in charge of the ninja, and they made it their goal to find Wu.

A year later, he was found turned into a baby due to his exposure to the Reversal Time Blade, and kidnapped by the Sons of Garmadon until he was rescued by Cole. Little Wu was with the original four ninja aboard the Bounty when they were almost crushed by the Colossus, until they used Traveler's Tea to save themselves, ending up in the Realm of Oni and Dragons. Marooned, he grew up again while helping his students to fight Iron Baron and the Dragon Hunters and find a way to return to Ninjago. After Iron Baron's defeat, Wu proves himself worthy to receive the Dragon Armor from the Firstbourne. He became the Dragon Master and used the Firstbourne to get himself and his four students back to Ninjago in time to help Lloyd, Nya, and those left behind to end Garmadon's rule and take down the Colossus. Sometime after the battle, he returns to his normal age and reclaims his place as the ninja's teacher. Sometime after, he was present in the arrival of the Oni. He aided his brother and students in performing the Tornado of Creation to vanquish the Oni.

Months after battling the Oni, Wu's past comes back to haunt him yet again when the ninja inadvertently released the Serpentine sorceress, Aspheera, who knew Wu as the Treacherous Deceiver, from her thousand-year imprisonment. Once Zane is banished to the Never-Realm after saving Wu from a blast from Aspheera's staff, Wu's attempt to go after him alone is thwarted by the ninja, and he is left behind with P.I.X.A.L. in Ninjago. They attempted to go after them by using Traveler's Tea, but inadvertently release the Preeminent from the Departed Realm. P.I.X.A.L. was able to defeat it in battle and send it back. Soon after, he reunited with them, including Zane.

Wu eventually aided Zane and P.I.X.A.L in finding Milton Dyer while the ninja sought Unagami inside Prime Empire. With Jay and Dyer successfully converting Unagami, Wu was able to reunite with the previously cubed ninja, resurrected along with all the other inhabitants of Prime Empire.

After the ninja freed the trapped gamers, Wu started to feel left out and think that the ninja no longer needed him. He was then forced by Misako to accompany the ninja to the Kingdom of Shintaro. Adventuring with Cole, Vania, and the Upply, Wu rediscovers his role as a mentor when he encourages Cole to never give up when things seem hopeless. After Cole defeats the Skull Sorcerer, Wu is reinvigorated and steers the Destiny's Bounty in search of he and the ninja's next adventure. He traveled with Misako and Clutch Power's group to the Uncharted Island but was captured by the Keepers. He was later rescued by the ninja.

Later, he would send the Ninja down to see the energy pulse that has been disrupting Nya’s powers. He asked Kai and Ray to stay to study masters of Fire. He is warned by Cole that the Storm Amulet had been stolen. He, Cole, Kai, Ray and Misako confronted Clutch Powers only to meet Kalmaar and his crew attempt to stop Kalmaar from leaving with the amulet, only to fail as Kalmaar awakens Wojira and Wu witnesses as Nya merged with the sea. He later fights Maaray Guards as Jay battles Kalmaar, he is disappointed by Nya leaving the team and speaks in the memorial.

He then spent an entire year trying to find a way to turn Nya back to normal, but refused to take part in the Ninja's plan to free Aspheera. When they broke her out and were subsequently arrested by the New Ninja as a result once Nya was purified by Aspheera removing her powers, Wu's close relationship with the team became strained and he even went as far as to estrange himself from them. In addition, he refused to accept Nya's insistence that she was to blame for their incarceration before inspiring her to become Samurai X again. However, he later realized that he should have followed his own conscience instead of following the law. Thus, he decided to help the ninja again, even if it means becoming a fugitive as well. Once they rescue Lloyd from a resurrected Harumi, learning the Overlord is back and unsure about fighting back, Wu and Lloyd follow some clues, which led to them reuniting with Garmadon and discovering Lloyd's Oni form can turn the tide of the battle. During which, Wu attempted to battle the Overlord, but was ultimately defeated before being rescued by Nelson and Antonia, whom take him to the newspaper warehouse, where he takes leadership of their resistance and proclaims everyone honorary Ninja. Learning from Misako of Dragon Form, Wu observes Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane achieve it at the cost of their powers, and help Lloyd, Garmadon and a redeemed Harumi defeat the Overlord. Afterwards, Wu oversaw the Ninja and the citizens of Ninjago City rebuild the monastery.

Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Sometime later, Wu somehow had a share of responsibility in the Merge, and was missing after this cataclysmic event in which all the realms become one. Wu reappeared as a spirit called Sprite and played a guiding role for his students. He guided Kai and Nya to portal gates leading to the Monastery of Imperium, led Cole on a journey and tried to get Jay to regain his memories. Eventually making his way to the Monastery of Gates, Wu called to Cole, along with Arin, to head towards the monastery which contained the Dragon Ivory Crowns of Horns. It was there that Wu admitted to have been responsible for the Merge before seemingly splitting into four small orbs that each went to different Portal Gates. After the Forbidden Five, Ras, and Arin left and got separated across the Merged Lands, Wu appeared to Lloyd one last time.

Physical Appearance[]

In his youth, Wu had a full head of blond hair. As a child, he had a bowl cut like his older brother and later his nephew and used to wear a white tunic with the red lotus symbol similar to his most common attire, and sand-brown pants.

As a young teenager, he had longer hair tied in a bun and had a brown headband. He had three freckles on his left cheek and two on his right cheek at the time. He also wore a conical straw hat on his head. His clothes consisted of a white shirt with a red lotus symbol and sand-brown pants with brown belt and sandals.

As an older teenager or a young adult, he had much shorter blond hair. He wore a black and white kimono signifying his status as a Spinjitzu Master, with kanji and hanzi (roughly translates to "spin ninjutsu") emblazoned on it to be used as a protection spell against evil.

Currently, Wu is an elderly man with a long white beard. He normally wears robes or a kimono and a conical straw hat. Under it, his bald head is covered by a small black skullcap. His original outfit consisted of simple white robes and pants. Once, he wore the more elaborate white and black kimono from his youth, with Ninjargon characters inscribed in gold along the left side. He is rarely seen without his bamboo bo staff or his tea set. When he retired and opened a tea shop, he used to wear a long, gold sleeveless vest over a white robe. Later he gained an ornate battle suit.

When Wu was assimilated by Pythor, his appearance changed significantly. His tan straw hat became metallic silver, his arms and legs were black, and his face was half metal, with a red eye. More cybernetics were visible on his torso, and both his staff and beard were black instead of gold and white respectively.

When he was struck by the Forward Time Blade, Wu began to rapidly age. A notable change to his appearance was his beard, which grew long enough to touch the ground when he stood up. This was later reversed when Nya cured him with the Reversal Time Blade.

Over time, the effects of the Reversal Time Blade had turned him into a baby, but as the effects wore off, he slowly grew back into his normal age. As of the end of Season 8, he was a toddler with very short legs and wears beige footie pajamas and hoodie.

By the beginning of Hunted, Wu had regrown to his child self, wearing beige clothing, with a tear on the lower right side of the jacket and one on the back. He is also seen wearing a brown pilot's helmet. When he grows into a young teenager, Wu's hair has grown and have been tied into a bun, now with a golden headband. He looked similar to his appearance during his journeys with Garmadon when they were young, albeit with white hair and slightly bushier eyebrows because he has been growing up under different circumstances. He wears a sleeveless version of his Dragon Hunter disguise, with new pants and black gloves. Wu later aged further into an older teenager and had grown a mustache and a goatee. In a fight with a hunter, Wu gained a new conical straw hat and slightly resembles his older self. Once he tamed Firstbourne, he wore golden robes under the Dragon Armor. After some more time, he became his old self again.

Around 6 months after the Oni's invasion, Wu has grown sideburns connected to his beard and a single braid of white hair, similar to his father. He now wears a white kimono with a golden dragon symbol on his back and a large red sash around his waist. He has black pants, reddish-brown boots, and white linen on his knees to strengthen his legs. He also has a slightly darker straw hat on his head and wears a long sand-brown cape. During the battle for Shintaro Mountain, he wore straw armor and wooden shoulder pads.


As a young boy, Wu was a bit irresponsible, impulsive, impatient and a little reckless. He was also very naïve and easy to manipulate, which Aspheera took advantage of. Because of this, Wu nearly started a war between the Serpentine and the humans. However, after Wu and Garmadon stole the Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu from their father, Wu became a more benevolent, satisfied, and generous person, being very reserved and noble and valiantly fighting for good.

This as a result, led to Wu refusing to retrieve the katana he lost while he was sparring with Garmadon. Instructed by his brother to never put off until tomorrow what can be done today, he would watch, haunted, as the Great Devourer's venom began to corrupt Garmadon as a result of his procrastination, and would likewise remember his brother's words prior to his corruption for the rest of his life.

As a teenager, Wu tried to be responsible and please his father at all costs. For this reason, he was also very well motivated and had no problem getting up on the road with Garmadon in the morning. He was also a little ruthless and had no problem using means like watering to wake his brother. Wu was very careful and always tried to have a plan and think about it in advance, unlike his brother. He also tried to see the best in everyone, and when the warriors attacked them, he greeted them and tried to explain to them that they were not enemies. At the same time, however, he still retained his childhood curiosity, which often overcame him. He was extremely curious about Nineko to tell them her story and constantly annoyed her with his curious questions. The meeting with Aspheera as a child also had a big impact on him and he tried to be much more suspicious, but this caused him to eventually be manipulated by Nineko, although as soon as he appeared, even a hint that he might be the enemy, he walked away from her, as he did not want to repeat his mistakes. Wu also had a sense of humor and often pulled away from his brother, provoked him and teased him, for example by inventing cat puns. He was also quite easily offended and angry when someone wronged him. However, he had a good heart as he tried to help everyone who could.

He tried to shorten the long journeys, for example by talking to his brother or singing all the songs he knew. Even though Garmadon didn't want to do it, he forced him to play "I spy," and he had no problem to cheat a bit when he picked one particular tree in the whole forest, and the only hint for his brother was that he spies something green. He was also quite competitive when he first ran to the village and said that the last one there is a slimy snake. He also loved food and never despised good tea. He was also a little selfish, and instead of sleeping on the ground while Garmadon slept in bed, he pushed with him in one bed because it was more comfortable. However, the Devourer's bite still took its toll on Wu by having nightmares about Garmadon. When the puppets were kidnapping people in the village, unlike Garmadon, he wanted to help the villagers, even though Garmadon forced him to be the bait. However, when he had to pretend to be sleeping in the garden so that the puppets would notice him, he teased Garmadon by shouting very conspicuously at the whole village, how comfortable it is to sleep outside. When Garmadon told him to be silent, he did, but later when he told him to talk, he did not want to do so, as he reminded his brother that he had told him to be quiet before. When Wu was turned into a puppet, his mind was controlled by Tanabrax. However, once he died, Wu regained his consciousness and longed to be able to transform back immediately, even though Garmadon had provoked him to stay that way.

After this experience, Wu suffered an immense trauma of the puppets, which manifested itself even many millennia later, and he can't even hear about the puppets.

Having a kind heart, he brought in a homeless orphan named Morro and took care of him, discovering his fatherly instincts after taking in the Master of Wind to be his pupil. However, he also had little patience for wrongful behavior, readily disapproving Morro's reckless actions, unanimously agreeing with his brother to banish the Anacondrai generals to the Cursed Realm, and being highly protective of his father's name.

Years later, having officially become a master, Wu would develop an incredibly eccentric and mysterious personality, often instructing others with cryptic hints and would often avoid being straightforward, confusing everyone with his strange methods and ways. Wise because of his years of experience, Wu had an enormous amount of forethought and skilled intelligence, triumphing over several enemies as a result. Incredibly graceful, even when losing, Wu would be willing to sacrifice his life under any circumstances to protect others.

Powers & Abilities[]


  • Spinjitzu: Like his brother, Garmadon, Wu has the ability to perform Spinjitzu, with his version channeling the power of Creation.
    • Forbidden Spinjitzu: Using Forbidden Spinjitzu, he becomes much more angry and dangerous, while his strength increases and he uses energy waves much more.
    • Catjitzu: Using a special form of Spinjitzu, invented by Nineko, Wu can walk on ropes, jump high with the help of Spinjitzu tornado and jump down in the same way.
  • Elemental essence of Creation: Being the Master of Creation, he can use the power of Creation and create something out of nothing, although he rarely uses his ability, because this power must be used with care and wisely knows not to overuse it.
    • Energy wave: He can knock opponents into the air by hitting the ground with a wave of Creation energy.
    • Mirakinesis: He can also generate illusions realistic enough that those who enter them through a portal will believe what they see is real.


  • Skilled warrior: Having many years of training from his father, the First Spinjitzu Master, and combat experience alongside his brother, he is an expert warrior, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and the use of many weapons, preferring his signature bo staff and occasionally the katana. He is especially good at stick-fighting. Despite his advanced age, he is proficient enough at combat that he can fight and take on skilled warriors like Morro, the Time Twins, several Dragon Hunters, Aspheera, Kalmaar or even The Overlord. While they were out-of-shape, he could defeat all six of his current students at once with ease through pure skill alone. Wu showed his combat skills in particular when he faced alone The Mechanic, Aspheera, and Vangelis and later The Crystal King.
  • Fishing: He is very good at fishing and has often been with his father, brother, or both to fish when he was a child.
  • Swimming: He is good at swimming, as he and Garmadon often went swimming to the lake when they were children. He was also seen swimming when he, Cole, Vania and the Upply tried to get out of Rock-Bottom.
  • Holding breath: He can hold his breath for a really long time as when he waited for Zane inside the frozen pond.
  • Climbing: He is good at climbing tall mountains as when he climbed the tallest mountain to meet Cole or when he climbed the Mountains of Impossible Height with Kai during their journey to the Monastery of Spinjitzu.
  • Long lifetime: Having inherited his father's Oni ancestry, Wu has lived much longer than a pure-blooded human, being thousands of years old, like his older brother.
  • Summoning his dragon: Although he rarely uses this ability, he is able to summon his dragon using the power of Creation.

External Links[]


           Ninjago Logo Heroes

TV Series
The Ninja: Master Wu | Cole | Jay | Zane | Kai | Lloyd | Nya
The Serpentine: Arcturus | Clancee | Pythor P. Chumsworth | Skales
Nindroids: Nindroid Sentries | Echo Zane | P.I.X.A.L.
Elemental Masters: Ash | Bolobo | Gravis | Griffin Turner | Jacob Pevsner | Karlof | Mr. Pale | Neuro | Shade | Skylor | Tox | Ray | Maya | Nyad
Police: Commissioner | Hounddog McBrag
The Resistance
First Realm: Faith | Firstbourne
The Never-Realm: Akita | Krag | The Resistance (Grimfax | Kataru)
Prime Empire Residents: League of Jay | Okino | Blazey H. Speed | Scott
Shintaro: Queen Vania | The Upply (Korgran | Fungus | Plundar | Adam)
Keepers of the Amulet: Chief Mammatus |PoulErik
Merlopia: Benthomaar | Trimaar | Glutinous
Other: Brad Tudabone | Clutch Powers | Cyrus Borg | Dareth | Dr. Julien | First Spinjitzu Master | Flintlocke | Garmadon | Harumi | Hutchins | Lil' Nelson | Misako Montgomery Garmadon | Mistaké | Morro | New Ninja | Ronin | Twitchy Tim | Unagami

The LEGO Ninjago Movie
Master Wu | Secret Ninja Force (Lloyd | Kai | Jay | Nya | Cole | Zane)

Dragons Rising
Arin | Sora | Riyu | Source Dragon of Energy | Euphrasia | Wyldfyre | Alfonzo Frohicky | Arrakore | Geo | Bonzle | Percival Tartigrade | Rapton | Egalt | Rontu | Gandalaria | Source Dragon of Motion | Frak | Roby

See Also
Lego Heroes | Legends of Chima Heroes

           Legodimensions logo Heroes

Good Guys
Original: X-PO
DC Comics: Alfred Pennyworth (DC Universe) | Aquaman | Batman (DC Universe) | Commissioner Gordon | Cyborg (DC Universe) | Green Arrow (DC Universe) | Jimmy Olsen | Lois Lane | Robin (DC Universe) | Superman (DC Universe) | The Flash (DC Universe) (Arrowverse) | Wonder Woman (DC Universe)
The LEGO Movie: Wyldstyle | Emmet Brickowski | Batman (The LEGO Movie) | Unikitty | Metalbeard | Benny | Good Cop
The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn | Boromir | Frodo Baggins | Gandalf | Gimli | Legolas | Meriadoc Brandybuck | Peregrin Took | Samwise Gamgee | Sméagol
Back to the Future: Einstein | Clara Clayton | Lorraine Baines McFly | Marlene McFly | Marshal James Strickland | Seamus McFly | Marty McFly | Marty McFly Jr. | Emmett Brown
Portal 2: Adventure Core | ATLAS and P-body | Chell | Doug Rattmann | Space Core
The Simpsons: Homer Simpson | Bart Simpson | Krusty the Clown | Mayor Quimby | Hans Moleman | Abraham Simpson | Comic Book Guy | Ralph Wiggum | Groundskeeper Willie | Milhouse Van Houten | Lisa Simpson | Nelson Muntz | Santa's Little Helper | Maggie Simpson | Dr. Julius Hibbert | Marge Simpson | Chief Clancy Wiggum | Seymour Skinner | Ned Flanders | Apu Nahasapeemapetilon | Edna Flanders | Snowball II | Professor Jonathan Frink | Scratchy | Martin Prince | Rainier Wolfcastle | Plopper the Pig | Simpson Family
Jurassic World: ACU Trooper | Claire Dearing | Gray Mitchell | Lowery Cruthers | Blue | Owen Grady | Simon Masrani | Zach Mitchell
Scooby-Doo!: Fred Jones | Dada-Doo | Daphne Blake | Mumsy-Doo | Scooby-Doo | Shaggy Rogers | Velma Dinkley | Mystery Inc.
Legends of Chima: Laval | Eris | Cragger
The Wizard of Oz: Dorothy Gale | Scarecrow | Tin Woodman | Cowardly Lion
Doctor Who: Captain Jack Harkness | Clara Oswald | K9 Mark II | Madame Vastra | Rusty the Dalek | Strax | Time Lords | The Doctor (First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, War, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh & Twelfth) | Torchwood Institute
Ninjago: Lloyd Garmadon | Kai | Jay Walker | Nya | Cole | Zane | Master Wu | Sensei Garmadon | Karlof
Ghostbusters: Ghostbusters (Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler & Winston Zeddemore) | Slimer
Midway Arcade: Gamer Kid | Merlin the Wizard | Questor the Elf | Thor the Warrior | Thyra the Valkyrie
Ghostbusters (2016): Ghostbusters (Abby Yates, Erin Gilbert, Jillian Holtzmann & Patty Tolan)
Adventure Time: Finn Mertens | Jake the Dog
Mission: Impossible: Ethan Hunt
Harry Potter: Harry Potter
The A-Team: A-Team (B.A. Baracus, Hannibal Smith, H.M. Murdock & Faceman Peck)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Newt Scamander | Tina Goldstein
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | Big the Cat | Shadow the Hedgehog
Gremlins: Gizmo
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: E.T.
The LEGO Batman Movie: Batman (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Robin (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Batgirl (The LEGO Batman Movie)
Knight Rider: Michael Knight
The Goonies: Sloth Fratelli
LEGO City Undercover: Chase McCain
The Powerpuff Girls (2016): Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup
Teen Titans Go!: Robin (Teen Titans Go!) | Cyborg (Teen Titans Go!) | Beast Boy (Teen Titans Go!) | Raven (Teen Titans Go!) | Starfire (Teen Titans Go!)
Beetlejuice: Beetlejuice
Others: Explorer | Heroic Knight | Pharaoh | Skutters | Snacky
