Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

I find myself in awe of your ingenuity, and your stupidity, both at once.
~ Wyndle to Lift

Wyndle is a cultivationspren who is bonded to Lift. They live in Azir and are part of the circle of trusted people for the Prime.  


Unlike many other Spren, whom have vaguely human physical forms, Wyndle is rather strange, as he appears in the form of long, thick, green vines, which flail about wildly at all times, with a face placed on it.  


Wyndle appears to be extremely wise, like many other Spren, and he is often seen giving Lift advice and encouragement, considering that she's the youngest of the Knights Radiant, by far.  


The Way of Kings[]

Words of Radiance[]



Rhythem of War[]


  • (Wyndle to Lift) I find myself in awe of your ingenuity, and your stupidity, both at once.  
  • (Wyndle to Lift on Shardblades) I’ll not have you hitting people with me.  
  • (Wyndle to Lift on Bonding Her) I wanted to pick a distinguished Iriali matron. A grandmother, an accomplished gardener. But no, the Ring said we should choose you.



  • There's some spren that choose on their own, while there's other spren where it's done by committee. Wyndle, Lift's spren was placed with Lift by a committee. It's a culture difference. Some are free-spirited, others more organized.  Lifespren will pop up more commonly around Wyndle than they will around Sylphrena.  


           Cosmere Heroes

Breeze | Clubs | Demoux | Dockson | Elend Venture | Hammond | Harmony | Hoid | Kelsier | Kelsier's Crew | Marasi Colms | Mare | Marsh | OreSeur | Preservation | Sazed | Spook | Steris Harms | Tindwyl | Vin | Waxillium Ladrian | Wayne | Yeden

Stormlight Archive
Adolin Kholin | Dalinar Kholin | Jasnah Kholin | Kaladin Stormblessed | Knights Radiant | Shallan Davar | Stormfather | Sylphrena | Szeth | Wyndle
