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The kingdom is abuzz, atwitter and excited to catch its first glimpse of our new king.
~ Xixi.

Xixi is a supporting character in DreamWorks TV Show All Hail King Julien.

She was voiced by Betsy Sodaro.


Xixi is very reliable at giving news (and according to King Julien also a very reliable toucan in friendship) and informs the Lemurs about current news. At King Julien's coronation, but escapes when the Fossa attack. In another episode he reports that it seems that 99% of the kingdom seems to like King Julien. This relationship sets in motion the plots of both episodes, namely King Julien attempting to locate and convert those he hates, to avoid a revolt. Especially keeping an eye on Clover.


           Madagascar logo Heroes

Main Characters
Alex | Marty | Melman | Gloria

Skipper | Kowalski | Rico | Private

King Julien XIII | Maurice | Mort

Madagascar: Mason and Phil | Lemurs
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa: Zuba | Florrie
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted: Vitaly | Gia | Stefano | Sonya | Esmeralda, Esperanza and Ernestina | Frankie, Freddie, Jonesy and Shakey | Manu and Maya
Penguins of Madagascar: Classified | Eva | Short Fuse | Corporal

The Penguins of Madagascar: Marlene | Burt Elephant | Lemmy | Doris
All Hail King Julien: Clover | Masikura | Xixi
