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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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I don’t give up. Unlike some people.
~ Yaz’s slogan.
The truth is, Sammy, I’ve…fallen for you. Like hard. Real hard.
~ Yaz confessing her love to Sammy.

Yasmina "Yaz" Fadoula is a major character in the DreamWorks and Netflix TV series, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous and its sequel series Jurassic World: Chaos Theory.

She is a world-class Heptathlon champion and junior athlete and one of the six campers at Camp Cretaceous who was invited there. Now stranded alongside the other five campers, she is now trying to get back home from Isla Nublar though they face many dangers along the way. She is the best friend (later girlfriend) of Sammy Gutierrez.

She is voiced by Kausar Mohammed.



Yasmina ‘Yaz’ Fadoula is fifteen years old, and a world-class Heptathlon champion, and junior athlete, whose corporate sponsor was Jurassic World. Yaz was chosen as one of the six campers attending Camp Cretaceous at Jurassic World on Isla Nublar. In the initial press release for Camp Cretaceous, Yasmina’s personality would be described as sarcastic and gruff, as her training regimen has caused her to lead a disciplined and solitary life.

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous[]

Season 1[]

Arriving at Isla Nublar's North Dock, Yasmina met four of the other kids that would be attending the camp alongside her: Darius Bowman, Brooklynn, Sammy Gutierrez, and Ben Pincus. The group was greeted by camp counselors Dave and Roxie and then introduced to the final camper, the arrogantly rich Kenji Kon who arrived by private helicopter. On the drive into camp, the group encountered an escaped Compsognathus that leaped onto Darius's chest before Roxie caught it with a blanket and a cat carrier. Entering Camp Cretaceous through its massive Main Gates, the campers were all amazed by the expansive Tree Top Cabins. As the sunset that evening the campers were taken to the zip line. In the paddock below, park employees had begun herding a group of Herbivores to their night-time enclosures. Taking her turn, Yasmina glided down the zip line, observing the Brachiosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Stegosaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Sinoceratops below.

The following day, Yasmina and the campers visited one of Jurassic World's remote Genetics Labs. She, alongside Ben, Brooklynn, and Dave was present for the birth of Bumpy the Ankylosaurus. After Brooklynn was caught snooping around Dr. Henry Wu's private office, Yasmina and the other campers were kicked out of the lab and they returned back to the campsite.

As Darius was telling a scary campfire story to the other campers, Yasmina stood near the edge of the balcony by herself to draw. This was because she preferred to be on her own. After a thunderstorm forced the kids to go back inside, Yasmina sat away from the others. Sammy approached her to talk with her and try to befriend her. Yasmina remained closed off from her and walked away. The following day, the campers gathered out in one of the herbivore paddocks where they would be driving Gyrospheres. Yasmina was in her own Gyrosphere but she was later joined by Sammy who tried to befriend her once again, and she was not too thrilled about it. As they drove, Sammy asked Yasmina a variety of questions which annoyed Yasmina to the point where she used the Gyrosphere to make a sudden move and end the conversation. When a rogue Sinoceratops runs away from its herd after being spooked by the storm, Yasmina and Sammy follow Darius and Brooklynn as Sammy tried to give advice on herding the ceratopsian.

Darius's overconfident attitude led his Gyrosphere to get butted by the Sinoceratops and thrown back into the rest of the herd to cause a stampede. Yasmina and Sammy escaped into the jungle along with the others, however, they were all separated. As they drove through the jungle, two trees fall into their path and trap the two girls. As Sammy and Yasmina cleared away some fallen branches, they receive a distress call from Darius and Brooklynn. They tried to call out to them but it didn't work. To get to them faster, Yasmina got the idea to pile the branches onto each other to create a ramp over the fallen tree. While on their way to rescue Darius and Brooklynn, the two girls picked up Kenji and Ben and brought them over to the sinking Gyrosphere.

Upon arriving at the site of the sinking Gyrosphere, Yasmina and Kenji rushed out of the Gyrosphere to help. After they failed, Sammy got the idea to use the Sinoceratops to pull the sinking campers out of the mud. She approached the Ceratopsian with a fallen branch covered in leaves to calm it down with some food. With the Sinoceratops calm, the children were able to tie some vines around it, and the Sinoceratops was able to pull the trapped campers.

Later that night at the campsite, Yasmina approached Sammy and opened up to her. She begins to describe a few facts about herself such as her favorite color and her favorites as well as show Sammy her scrapbook which was covered in sketches of the dinosaurs. After disaster struck and the dinosaurs got out of containment, Yaz and the campers were left on their own to fight for their lives. They went on the run, trying to escape the dinosaurs, and Yaz managed to make it to a ferry port alive. However, the ferry had already left, so she was left stranded on the island along with her fellow campers.

Season 2[]


Season 3[]


Season 4[]


Season 5[]


Jurassic World: Chaos Theory[]

Season 1[]


Season 2[]



At first, Yaz is sarcastic and gruff, as her training regimen has caused her to lead a disciplined and solitary life. Yasmina is an introvert and loves to draw in her free time. She can be very sensitive when it comes to trust and new friendships, finding it difficult to forgive Sammy for her actions. Yaz also isn't above showing grief as she did cry after Ben's supposed death. During her adventure to escape the Jurassic World incident alive along with her newfound friends, Yaz begins to develop a new sense of friendship and knows that she and her friends are on their own and that they will have to rely on each other to survive.

However, Yaz becomes more friendly with the other campers, especially Sammy. She even hugs Ben after learning that he is alive, and is willing to do a "give me five" with Brooklynn as they escape a pack of Dimorphodon via a hang glider. While she tells Sammy they won't be friends when they leave the island because they have nothing in common, she has a change of heart and realizes that Sammy is her true friend when she is trying to save Sammy after the latter is poisoned by the Scorpios rex. While she has one arrogant moment in acting like she knows best over at Mantah Corp Island, she only did so as it was Brooklyn and Sammy who gave her a push, she soon gets over it and complies with the rest of the Camp Fam.

In season 5, she’s more insecure due to her love for Sammy. The two are willing to be openly affectionate with each other by kissing and embracing. However, they’re willing to tone it down in front of Darius and Brooklyn due to not wanting them to feel bad over Kenji’s betrayal. After the time jump, she’s living with Sammy down in Texas, proving just how strong her love for her is. In episode five of Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, it shows Yaz hesitantly trying to touch a stegosaurus while receiving horrid dinosaur flashbacks. This reveals that the events of the island traumatized her so much to the point she fears them, but she took therapy with Brooklyn to overcome this


We’re NOT okay! We’re in the middle of a jungle with a MONSTER DINOSAUR OUT THERE and you…you…
~ Yaz releasing stress in “Welcome to Jurassic World.”
I don’t care what’s out there. I’m saving her!
~ Yaz before running to get the antidote to save Sammy in “The Long Run.”
Go ahead then!! If you’re gonna do something, THEN DO IT ALREADY!!!
~ Yaz standing up to the Scorpios Rex.
I’m fine. I’ve competed with a torn ACL.
~ Yaz listing one of her accomplishments.
I guess saving Pierce was the right thing to do, but stopping and helping dinosaurs cost us getting home…again! (Cries and rests her head on Sammy’s shoulder.) I’m just tired! And I miss my mom.
~ Yaz’s heroic breakdown in “Rude Awakening”
It’s just…I’ve had crushes on boys before so I know what that’s like…but I think…I might feel that way about Sammy.
~ Yaz revealing her crush on Sammy to Ben.
You’ve got a big heart, Sammy.
~ Yaz before kissing Sammy’s cheek in “Arrival”
You don’t park a boat, dingus. You dock it.
~ Yaz commenting Kenji’s docking skills in “Safe Harbor”
Here is what eight years of diving lessons looks like.
~ Yaz in “Safe Harbor”
Be careful, Sam!
~ Yaz when Sammy chases after Firecracker in “The Last Stand”
~ Yaz’s road rage in Hidden Adventure.



  • She is the only camper to be an athlete before going to Isla Nublar.
  • Her name was originally going to be Katie.
  • She revealed that she’s had crushes on boys before, but since she and Sammy are together this officially makes her bisexual. Thus, she is the only bisexual character in the franchise as Sammy is instead a lesbian.
  • Yasmina and Sammy, are the only known lesbian couple in the series.
  • According to Kausar Mohammed, Yaz and Sammy’s romantic relationship was planned since the very start of the show and episodes such as The Long Run were indeed written with intention to hint at romantic attraction between the two.
  • There were several hints that Yaz already did have feelings for Sammy prior to season 5.
    • In "Cattle Drive", during the camp fire story Yaz briefly looked at Sammy after her name was mentioned, Later when Sammy first speak to her Yaz is shy but possibility because she cared for Sammy but just wasn't sure to tell Sammy how she felt at the end of the episode she gives Sammy her scrapbook and seemed worried of what Sammy thinks about her implying Sammy opinions matter to her. She’s also willing to let Sammy hug her.
    • In "The Art of Chill" she begs Sammy to stay with her instead of leaving her with Kenji even through Kenji wouldn't really help it's implied she wanted Sammy to stay because she loves her.
    • In "The watering hole" she immediately chose to go with Sammy (who was paired with Brooklyn) likely because she enjoys spending time with Sammy.
    • In "View from the Top" she appears jealous Sammy took to ride a sky gondola with Kenji. She also shares a rather long hug with Sammy when they get to safety and seems slightly jealous when Sammy hugs Brooklyn next.
    • In "Casa De Kenji" she asked Sammy how she was feeling but it was more suggested she asked her mainly because she was concerned about Sammy's feelings.
    • In "Eye of the Storm" before telling Sammy they won't be friends anymore it was implied that after hearing Ben's comments she had a sad look on her face implying she didn't at first want to accept Ben's thought of them never seeing each other again and still wanted to be with Sammy because she already had feelings for her, only rejecting her so she won’t be to attached to her when they leave. Also when Sammy was hit by the Scorpios Rex she seemed concerned for her wellbeing.
    • In "The Long Run" Yaz was more concerned about Sammy's wellbeing than her own and it was suggested she had romantic feelings for Sammy even when begging Sammy to live she appeared she wanted to tell Sammy that she loves her and cried tears of happiness when Sammy survived.
    • In "A Shock to the System" Yaz protects her on the way to the boat and tries to cheer Sammy up but it was suggested she is flirting with her and tries to lift her spirit up.
    • In "Stay on mission" she doesn't make ill jokes of Sammy being a spy, protects her during the final confrontation with Hawkes and Wu and also watches happily as Sammy sleeps.
    • In "Beneath the Surface" she gives Sammy a picture and was still concerned about her opinion.
    • In "At least..." when Sammy first starts the camp fire shouting, Yaz is the first one to follow the same pattern. She even looks at Sammy like she's in love with her.
    • In "The Long Game" when she and Sammy were resting, Yaz pulls a smile towards Sammy, implying she enjoys Sammy's company more than any of the campers. She also stop Sammy from being spotted by Kash at the end she defends Sammy from Brooklyn's comment about Sammy's choice to confront Kash.
    • In "Dino Sitting" she comfort Sammy about her choices but it appeared she comforted her out of genuine concern for her.
    • In "Who's the boss?" she tells Sammy as they’re hugging that Sammy’s the reason she has any feelings she might have meant romantic feelings for her.
    • In "Reunited" she agrees to Sammy's offer of a sleepover likely out of love for her.
    • In "Battle Lines" she protected Sammy from the Raptor however she appeared to do it out of love.
    • In "Shaky Grounds" she helps Sammy from falling but she appeared to do it out of genuine concern of her and they hold onto each other later on during the earthquake.
    • In “Out of the Pack”, she’s shown willing to go camping together with Sammy and later warmly smiles as Sammy tells her she’s always a winner.


          JurassicParkLogo Heroes

John Hammond | Henry Wu | Allison Miles | Ray Arnold | Robert Muldoon | Gerry Harding | Oscar Morales | Roland Tembo | Ajay Sidhu | Simon Masrani (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Owen Grady (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Claire Dearing (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Lowery Cruthers | Barry Sembène | Vivian Krill | Supervisor Nick | Roxie & Dave | Benjamin Lockwood | Sedrick Masrani | Hal Brimford

Hammond Documentary Team
John Hammond | Ian Malcolm | Sarah Harding | Eddie Carr | Nick Van Owen | Kelly Malcolm

Kirby's Mercenary Team
Udesky | M.B. Nash | Cooper

Dinosaur Protection Group
Claire Dearing | Franklin Webb | Zia Rodriguez

Nublar Six
Darius Bowman | Kenji Kon | Brooklynn | Yasmina Fadoula | Sammy Gutierrez | Ben Pincus

Department of Prehistoric Wildlife
Mr. Ryan | Alan Grant (film series) | Ellie Sattler (film series) | Ian Malcolm (film series) | Ramsay Cole

French Intelligence
Barry Sembène | Wyatt Huntley

Blue (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Beta | Charlie | Delta | Echo | Bumpy | Pierce | Angel and Rebel | Firecracker | Big Eatie | Little Eatie | Geba

Alan Grant (novel series) | Ellie Sattler (novel series) | Ian Malcolm (novel series) | Tim Murphy | Lex Murphy | Donald Gennaro | Jessica Harding | Nima Cruz | Eric Kirby | Billy Brennan | Paul Kirby | Amanda Kirby | Zach Mitchell | Gray Mitchell | Scott Mitchell | Karen Mitchell | Zara Young | Hap | Maisie Lockwood | Dr. Mae Turner | Brandon Bowman | Rebecca Ryan | Hudson Harper | Red | Kayla Watts | Ronnie | Mateo | Zayna Mballo | Aminata Mballo | Ousmane Mballo | Earnest | Zora Bennett | Henry Loomis | Duncan Kincaid
