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George Robert Beard and Harold Mitchell Hutchins, better known as Yesterday George and Yesterday Harold, are supporting characters in Dav Pilkey's Captain Underpants book series.

They are the past döppelgangers of George Beard and Harold Hutchins.

In the scholastic audiobook 11 and 12, they where voiced by Len Forgione, while some scenes of the audiobooks use Ashton Sundholm and Jaden Rogers.


Captain Underpants book series[]

To see their life before the eleventh book, click on their synopsis pages.

In Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000, George and Harold’s time travel actions created duplicates versions of themselves, as they travel back with Melvin’s Robo-Squid suit to take their tests they accidentally miss, but causing them to have duplicates from that point in time. They explain it to their past selves what happened, George opts for the two pairs to switch off every other day. As the Yesterday versions go to their houses that Sunday night, the original boys have a sleepover at their treehouse, watching movies while eating pizza and soda.

The next morning at school, the original boys go to school to make copies of their latest comic but are caught by Miss Anthrope. George tries to convince her that she is dreaming, but Yesterday George and Harold suddenly arrive at the office, making her realize she has seen two versions of the boys. Fully convinced she is dreaming, she strips naked.

The Yesterday versions warn the boys to stay away from school, but the original boys pull some pranks that make all the school's teachers similarly crazy. When Mr. Krupp sees that all teachers are naked, and the two Georges and Harolds, he is speechless and starts repeatedly saying "Buh-buh-bubba-bobba-hob-hubba-hubba-wah-wah." The police eventually come, and one of the teachers pants one the officers, causing all the teachers to be arrested for indecent exposure, reckless endangerment, and pantsing the police officer, while Mr. Krupp is sent to an insane asylum.

Two weeks have passed, the Turbo Toilet 2000 flies down to Earth, while George and Harold, disguised as Talking Toilets, convince the Turbo Toilet 2000 to break down the asylum wall. Over the intercom, George snaps his fingers, turning Mr. Krupp into Captain Underpants, who fights the Turbo Toilet 2000 and wins, but the Turbo Toilet 2000's giant tears of pain fall on his head. Mr. Krupp directs the Turbo Toilet 2000 to George and Harold's treehouse, but the Turbo Toilet 2000 swallows him whole. While shaking the treehouse to get the Yesterday George and Harolds out, Crackers' eggs get cracked on the floor.

The Yesterdays discover they are pterodactyl-hamsters, who smash the Turbo Toilet 2000 while rescuing the Yesterdays, after which Mr. Krupp is arrested as a dreaming loon. The four boys regroup and begin to declare this as a happy ending. However, George points out that while the day has been saved, there were a lot of loose ends in the story (the city being destroyed, the school staff being arrested, there being four Georges and Harolds, and the pterodactyl-hamster hybrids having thought that the Georges and Harolds were their parents). The boys then realize there's one final sequel, and say their titular "Oh no!" and "Here we go again!" catchphrases.

In Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-a-Lot, when Mr. Meaner got smart and became evil, Mr. Meaner turns an abandoned factory into his factory, and he makes a strange substance with sweaty gym socks called Rid-o-Kid 2000. Yesterday George and Harold are told to go to his office, at his office he sprays them with Rid-o-Kid 2000 and it turns them into robot-like slaves. The other teachers are amazed at their behavior, though other George and Harold are not, and they get sicker because of excessive homework.

After Mr. Meaner's defeat, Yesterday George and Yesterday Harold wake up to find that Tony, Orlando, Dawn, George, and Harold are gone. They go back to their treehouse. Yesterday Harold feels that he and Yesterday George should make another Captain Underpants comic book, but Yesterday George decides that they should do a comic book featuring Dog Man instead.

Dog Man book series[]

The Yesterdays, now just called George and Harold, serve as the overarching protagonists of the Dog Man book series, even if they have yet to do anything heroic. Despite this, they never truly appear in the franchise and are simply the creators of the franchise.

In Dog Man, it's revealed that they thought of the idea to create a Dog Man comic after they spent hours reading their old Dog Man comics while they searched the treehouse for their original counterparts and the Hamsterdactyls.

In Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties, George and Harold are revealed to be in fifth grade with a teacher named Miss Chivess, who made them read classic literature. In this book, they read A Tale of Two Cities, which gave them the idea to create Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties.

In Dog Man and Cat Kid, George and Harold read East of Eden, inspiring them to make Dog Man and Cat Kid while wearing rings from plastic milk jugs as monocles.

In Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas, they draw mustaches on each other and George reads Lord of the Flies, which Harold denied to do as he believed it was the same thing as Lord of the Rings and failed the test.

In Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild, they laugh at the words ' but duty', believeing it to be ' butt doodie' and read Call of the Wild, having them make Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild.

By Dog Man: For Whom the Ball Rolls, the fifth grade was coming to an end and the students were being given awards. Due to a comic they gave to Mr. Krupp, Ice Woman Diary: A Witch's Tin Key, a mature comic besides its title, they were given the maturity award. However, Melvin corrects Mr. Krupp with the title as George and Harold collect the award, and the two chase George and Harold.

In Dog Man: Fetch-22, it's revealed that they are now in sixth grade and because of it, they try to get rid of their childish things. Yet, they can't let go of them and quickly go back to playing with their toys.

In their latest appearance, Dog Man: Grime and Punishment, they sold their comics by the mall, when a rude, unnamed person came and told them they were 'paddling their wares' and weren't supposed to, even though they didn't understand the phrase. When he calls the cops, they read George and Harold's comics and believe they are funny, the female cop buys three, the male cop buys six, and they tell the man to relax while calling him Sherlock.

Eventually, the cops told everyone, causing the mall to be overloaded with people wanting to read George and Harold's comics, and the mall becomes popular again. The two boys even get on the news, having the mall manager order Sherlock to give the boys free food and junk, much to his displeasure.


Yesterday George’s appearance’s is the same appearance as George Beard and Yesterday Harold appearance’s is the same appearance as Harold Hutchins.


           Captain underpants logo Heroes

George Beard (Yesterday, Old) | Harold Hutchins (Yesterday, Old) | Melvin Sneedly (Mel-evator) | The M.I.S.F.A.R.T.S (George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Erica Wang (Aternate Timeline, Adult), Dressy Killman, Bo Hweemuth, Steve "Gooch" Yamaguchi, Stanley Peet, Jessica Gordon, Sophie One, Other Sophie)

Benjamin Krupp (Old, Alternate Timeline) | Kenny Brian Meaner | Toilette Ree | Jerry Citizen

Sulu | Crackers | Tony, Orlando and Dawn | Great-Granny Girdle and Boxer Boy | The Incredible Robo-Plunger | Cavemen | Gaylord Sneedly | Cindy Sneedly

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
Diddlysaurus | The Society of Robes | Cash Networth | Bigfoot | Creeply Rattlechains | Viper Chai | Moxie Swaggerman | Dr. Shifty Fitzgibbons | Cosmicops | Livmen | Santa Claus | The Tolietastics

Ook and Gluk
Ook Shadowski and Gluk Jones | Lily | Master Wong | Lan Wong | Mog-Mog

See Also
Dog Man Heroes
