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I have no enemies.
~ Yi's famous quote.

Yi (羿) is the main protagonist of the 2024 Red Candle Games' Metroidvania Nine Sols.

An alchemist, master of Fangshi, and ex-member of the Tiandao Council, he set on an adventure to collect the Sol Seals from the Nine Sols, and as the game progresses, he attempted to atone his sins and make connections to Shuanshuan, Kuafu, Shennong, Chiyou, and many others. He is assisted by his robots Shanhai 9000 and Abacus. He also holds the Sol Seal of "Innovation".

He was voiced by Tzu Yu Chiao.



In the past, Yi was a scientist constructing the Mystic Nymph. Due to an accident, he saved his sister, Heng, from the explosion that the Nymph caused, ending up to the brink of his death. Luckily, the Roots of the Fusang Tree healed him in the process. Everything he did was in an attempt to catch Eigong's attention, which he did.

He became a member of the council, started the Eternal Cauldron Project as an attempt to cure his race. After his parents' death, he protected Heng while having an entirely different perspective on society: Heng wanted to stay respectful to nature's cycle, while Yi wanted to follow the advancements.

However, as the arrival of New Kunlun, Yi found out the true colors of Eigong, but it was too late to expose her due to everyone siding with her deception. Yi was hunted down and left disfigured of his face, but thanks to the Roots, he managed to heal himself and took care of ShuanShuan of the Peach Blossom village.


As he realized about what happened to the ceremony in the village, he saved ShuanShuan due to it not being a part of a plan. It was a machine killing apemen as an act of "visiting the gods".

He then explored what truly happened and found the members of the Council to slay them.

First, he met Kuafu, whom he spared due to his disconnection with the Council. Kuafu then stayed to help Yi with his accessories. Next, he cured Shennong from his illness with a poison. He, alongside ShuanShuan resided in the Pavilion.

He then arrived at many Sols' locations to defeat them. This includes Goumang, Yanlao, Jiequan, Lady Ethereal, Ji, The Fengs, and lastly Eigong.

He then continued to follow Eigong's footstep as Eigong's successor to continue the project, with everything remains almost the same.

True Ending[]

As he gave Poison to Shennong, the two started to bond. As Jiequan kidnapped the Peach Blossom Villagers, he went to save them and as the story continues, he slowly helps Shennong with the villagers if you get all the Poisons to him. As Shennong was injured by a robot guard to protect the Villagers, Yi fought it and saved them, helping Shennong become the leader of the village. If you give enough items to ShuanShuan, Yi also started to bond with him, altering his perspective of his motive more.

However, Eigong sent the guards to attack the Pavilion, killing Chiyou, Shanhai 9000, and Abacus in the process. Yi then has two options, to either save Solarians or Apemen.

When Yi picked the Apemen option. He, Kuafu, and Shennong evacuated the Villagers to a spaceship to arrive at their new home, the Pale Blue Planet, or Earth, with him convincing ShuanShuan to go with them for his safety measures. He then gave ShuanShuan the Mystic Nymph as a gift for his departure.

Yi then had his final confrontation with Eigong, with her almost done with her true plans. After defeating Eigong, she already infected herself with the virus to bring a new dawn to the Solarians, infecting everyone to provide a fate worse than death, as an act of providing a shining beacon to the universe. Yi, who was left with no other choices, used the Bomb to destroy the infection, sacrificing himself while destroying the planet to end the reign once and for all.


External Links[]


           Nine Sols logo Heroes

Yi | Kuafu | Heng | Lear

Shuanshuan | Shennong

New Kunlun Residents
Ruyi | Shanhai 9000 | Fish2000 | Chiyou
