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Heroes Wiki

An eternally beautiful girl is eternally a high school girl...
~ Yomikawa's comments about repeating high school multiple times in Chapter 19.

Yomikawa is one of the supporting characters in the 2019 manga Shimeji Simulation. A third-year high-school student and an upperclassman in Shijima and Majime's school, as well as a member of Mogawa-sensei's Hole-Digging Club, she is later revealed to have been repeating school years for multiple times in Chapter 19, thus making her within the same age as Shijima's sister.


Yomikawa is a female high-school student, who is in reality an adult woman who is within nearly the same age as Shijima's sister, due to her repeating several school years for multiple times. She has olive eyes, silk armpit-length hair, and has two hairpins. She also has books standing horizontally on top of her head, much like Majime having a half-fried egg on top of her head.


Yomikawa, for the most part, is a known avid reader of books, where she often visits the school's library, as well as her home having a library in Chapter 24. She is known to read philosophical books, going so far in reading Friedrich Nietzsche's books including "Also Sprach Zarathustra", as well as other books including "No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai.

Despite her smarts, however, Yomikawa is also shown to be a comedic dimwit, due to her repeating several school years in the past, citing her rather odd reasoning as "an eternally beautiful girl is eternally a high school girl...", much to the annoyance of Shijima's sister.


  • Due to Yomikawa repeating third-year high school for several times, after revealing it in Chapter 19, it is inferred that she is the oldest student of Shijima and Majime's school, as she reveals that she is within the same age as the former's sister, who was an alumna.


           ShimejiSimulationLogoWikia Heroes

Hole-Digging Club
Shijima Tsukishima | Majime Yamashita | Mogawa-sensei | Sumida | Yomikawa
Other Characters
The Gardener | Big Sis
