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Heroes Wiki

Spielban, also known by his human alias Yousuke Jou, is the main protagonist of the 5th entry in the Metal Heroes franchise, Jikuu Senshi Spielban. He is 20 year old man from the planet Clin who was sent to Earth along with his friend Diana. When he shouts "Kesshou!" ("Crystallize"), the Grand Nasca showers "Clin Metal Super Corpuscles" onto him which crystallize into a silver, black and red suit around his body in 10 microseconds to allow him to become Spielban.

His primary weapon is a sword which then becomes the Twin Blade, a double-edged laser lance which he uses to perform his "Arc Impulse" attack on the Waller forces.


Spielban was born as the second child of Clin biologist Doctor Ben. When he was still young, Spielban's father and older sister Helen were kidnapped by Waller. Later on, Spielban's homeworld was ravaged by Waller, forcing Spielban and his mother to flee the planet on a refugee ship with numerous other Clin survivors, including Spielban's best friend Diana.

The survivors soon realized they did not have enough resources to last for much longer and decided to select two survivors to place on a smaller ship loaded with all of their remaining resources. The two selected to board the ship were Spielban and Diana, who left after giving a tragic farewell to their mothers.

After going into cryo-slumber for about a decade, Spielban and Diana woke after about a decade when their ship, the Grand Nasca, reached Earth. The two set about making Earth their new home, only for the Waller Empire to show up not long after them seeking to harvest the planet's water as well. Spielban and Diana thus decided to defend their new home from Waller.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Search Analyzer - High-performance perspective and analysis scope of which is built in the eye of the Spielban. To catch the light of every wavelength, such as infrared · X-ray, Soku, in addition to storage and analysis, to see through and analyze a variety of materials. However, the perspective measures have been subjected android Helen could not perspective.
  • Spielban Bypass Slip - Used to transport Spielban, his allies and enemies away from a populated area.
  • Crystal Noise - High-performance perspective and analysis scope of which is built in the eye of the Spielban. To catch the light of every wavelength, such as infrared · X-ray, Soku, in addition to storage and analysis, to see through and analyze a variety of materials. However, the perspective measures have been subjected android Helen could not perspective.
  • Spielban Punch
  • Spielban Kick
  • Spielban Anger Punch


  • Hoverian
  • Super Dimensional Tank Gaios
  • Grand Nasca



External Links[]

Spielban on the Metal Heroes Wiki


           Metal Hero logo Heroes

Uchu Keiji Gavan
Retsu Ichijouji | Mimi | Commander Qom | Marin | Space Sheriff Alan

Uchu Keiji Sharivan
Den Iga | Lily | Jii | Miyuki | Helen Bell

Uchu Keiji Shaider
Dai Sawamura | Annie

Kyojuu Tokusou Juspion

Jikuu Senshi Spielban
Yousuke Jou | Diana Lady | Helen Lady

Choujinki Metalder
Ryusei Tsurugi | Mai Ogi | Hakko Kita

Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya
Toha Yamaji | Kei Yamaji | Rei Yagyu | Ryu Asuka | Baron Owl | Haburamu | Rocket Man | Mafuuba | Wild | Alamsa

Kidou Keiji Jiban
Naoto Tamura | Youko Katagiri | Mayumi Igarashi

Tokkei Winspector
Ryouma Kagawa | Bycle | Walter | Shunsuke Masaki

Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain
Daiki Nishio | Reiko Higuchi | SolDozer | Ryouma Kagawa | Shunsuke Masaki

Tokusou Exceedraft
Hayato Kano | Kosaku Muraoka | Ken Okuma | Shunsuke Masaki

Tokusou Robo Janperson
Janperson | Gun Gibson

Show Narumi | Sarah Misugi | Sig

Juukou B-Fighter
Takuya Kai | Daisaku Katagiri | Rei Hayami | Mai Takatori | Kabuto

B-Fighter Kabuto
Kouhei Toba | Kengo Tachibana | Ran Ayukawa

B-Robo Kabutack
Kabutack | Kuwagiro | Tobimasky | Dangoron | Gerotan | Tentoleena

Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack
Robotack | Kamerock
