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Heroes Wiki
Heroine Overview

Yukino Yukinoshita (雪ノ下 雪乃, Yukinoshita Yukino?) is the main heroes of the light novel Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. She is a student of Class 2J of Sobu High School and the founding president of the Service Club. She was the only member until Hachiman Hikigaya joined her.

She is voiced by Saori Hayami in the Japanese version, and by Melissa Molano in the English version.


Yukino is a beautiful teenager she's slender and of ordinary height. Her long, black hair falls to her waist, covering her shoulders, and she has a fair complexion. Her ahoge sits level atop her head. Just above each shoulder, two red bows are adorned in her tresses. Her big, piercing blue eyes are her most striking trait.

Yukino is typically depicted wearing her school uniform, which consists of a plaid skirt, a black jacket, a white blouse, and a red ribbon tie. In addition to her attire, and wears black stockings with white stripesblack with white striped trim. She usually has a blue scarf on during the winter When using a computer, she periodically dons a set of blue-light-blocking glasses that Hachiman gave her.


Yukino is arrogant, gifted, and extremely intelligent, but she also has a propensity for being direct and pointing out other people's flaws without giving them much thought. Hachiman Hikigaya refers to her twisted chivalry as her belief that it is the responsibility of the "exceptional" (a.k.a. herself) to assist the less privileged. She is initially known as the Ice Queen because of her cold and unfriendly attitude, but as she develops as a character, she truly warms up and loses this moniker.

Some may find her demeanor to be incredibly arrogant. She is kind and sympathetic in her own twisted way despite this, and she is better than Hachiman at comprehending the emotional side of other people. Hachiman claims that she is unmatched in both demeanor and abilities.

More specifically, Yukino despises being made fun of for having a smaller chest than other female figures. She constantly strives to look elegant and dignified, which was clearly demonstrated when she hid her laughing after Hachiman had delivered his cultural festival catchphrase.

Yukino is a competitive individual who is ready to win any formal or unofficial challenge to establish her worth. There are several instances of this in the series, such as when she agreed to take on Shizuka Hiratsuka's task after being questioned about her fear of failing. Her desire to outperform her sister serves as her primary motivation, and she will even imitate her sister's actions to prove that she is just as capable as her.

Despite this, Yukino gradually loses her cold demeanor throughout the series, showing her vulnerable side to those who are close to her. She adores the bear figure Pan-san. Hachiman is surprised to learn that she even has the original copy of the tale and the stuffed toy it features.

Yukino also displayed her "cold expression" in response to Yumiko's assertion that Pan-san wasn't attractive. Additionally, she requested that her companions keep quiet during the Pan-san bamboo battle. Neither Yui Yuigahama nor Hachiman are unaware of her fixation with Pan-san. Nearly always, Yukino is drawn to locations where Pan-san is on exhibit. Despite her best attempts to conceal it, she occasionally makes a mistake and reveals her devotee side.

Yukino enjoys animals and cat-related items as well. This is depicted consistently in the anime series and received a lot of attention in the Light books. She even meowed with Kamakura, Hachiman's cat, prompting him to inquire about it in a way that indicated he was concerned about her health. Haruno Yukinoshita made reference to Yukino's pastime of embracing her Pan-san doll and watching cat videos on her computer in Drama CD. Another time, she was very fascinated by the catsharks at the museum because the term "cat" appears in their name.

Hachiman claims that she draws most males and airheads (Yui and Komachi). She doesn't fib, but occasionally she skirts the subject matter.

Yukino has an unnerving side despite her cool, restrained attitude. Hachiman claims that she gives off a "evil aura" when she is ferociously furious and voicing her hatred for a particular person. This was evident when she discussed chain message senders and her view that they ought to be banned. It should be mentioned that she expelled some students from her middle school for harassing her in chain texts, including Sagawa and Shimoda. She even asserted that she would defeat her adversaries in person.

Hachiman periodically notices Yukino's blushing in front of him as she gets giddy over little things like visiting Destiny Land. She is extremely bad at following instructions despite all of her "perfections," as Hachiman points out.

In the end, Yukino is very kind and unselfish and has a truly good heart, despite her enormous ego and her originally frigid and arrogant attitude. She is always willing to assist those in need, including those she doesn't know and those who have mistreated her.


  • Yukino's name plays on snow as "Yuki" means "snow" and "no" means "from". Which is reference to her cold personality
  • Her surname Yukinoshita also means "snow" from "Yuki" and "Shita" means "under below"
  • Yukino is one of the five characters who's shares their given name with their surname.
  • Hachiman is the first and only person who has tried to officially befriend Yukino, twice.
  • Yukino loves the character named Pan-san to the extend that she deeply knowledge able of the item and a year passport for the place where the item is usually bought.
  • Yukino is a cat-lover to where she takes in most cat related things including coloring books, picture books, and etc. She also reads a book with a cat on it's cover.
  • Yukino is afraid of dogs.
  • Songs that Yukino performed with Yui in "Bitter Bitter Sweet' and "Kanojotachi no, We Will Rock You♡" subtly hints it directly to Hachiman.
  • Yukino's character song "Kimi Ni Crescendo" strongly hinted her feelings for Hachiman throughout the series.
  • Yukino is very competitive willing to win weither it's official or unofficial to prove herself.
  • Yukino would sometimes display a softer side and clusmlness, mostly to Hachiman when their alone.
  • Yukino is the first girl to every confess to Hachiman.

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Main Characters
Hachiman Hikigaya | Yukino Yukinoshita

Side Characters
Yoshiteru Zaimokuza | Yui Yuigahama
