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Heroes Wiki

My monsters are ready to... SWING INTO ACTION!!
~ Yuya's catchphrase

Yuya Sakaki is the main protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V. He is a student at You Show Duel School who dreams of becoming a dueltainer like his father, Yusho Sakaki, who disappeared three years prior to the events of the series. During a duel with The Sledgehammer, Yuya discovers a new summoning technique called "Pendulum Summoning." After Duel Academy of the Fusion Dimension invades his dimension, and his childhood friend Zuzu Boyle disappears, Yuya teams up with Declan Akaba and his team, The Lancers, to stop the invasion and rescue Zuzu.

He is voiced by Kenshō Ono in the Japanese version, and Michael Liscio Jr. in the English version, who also voices his dimensional counterparts, and Z-ARC.


Yuya is a fun-loving and energetic young man who loves to entertain others, a trait he inherited from his father Yusho. He idolized his father so much, he wanted to follow in his footsteps and become an entertainer like him. When his father disappeared, Yuya was heartbroken by this, and because people thought Yusho was a coward.


Yuya is an eighth-grader who attends You Show Duel School.

He aspires to become an Entertainment Duelist and bring laughter to people through his duels like his father did before him, at least before Yusho's mysterious disappearance three years ago.

He owns a good-luck charm pendant his father gave him when he was younger, which mysteriously glows during his televised exhibition match against Strong Ishijima. This unlocks the power of an entirely new Summoning method, Pendulum Summoning, which quickly sets off a chain of events that may go well beyond his control.

He is currently one of the Lancers, however, given Yuya's pacifistic nature, as well as his own personal creed to bring smiles to others as he duels instead of simply defeating his opponent, he doesn't quite fit in, especially when he keeps coming to blows with Reiji's style of command. As time goes on, however, the two gain a mutual respect for one another, with Yuya loudly proclaiming that Reiji is indeed a worthy leader to follow.

Performapal Sleight Hand Magician

Stargazer Magician

Timegazer Magician

Mystical Space Typhoon

Lightning Vortex


Dark Bribe

Mystical Elf

Maha Vailo

Dark Hole

Monster Reincarnation

Black Pendant

Malevolent Nuzzler

Mirror Force

Trap Hole

Call of the Haunted

Negate Attack



Torrential Tribute


Yuya uses a Entermate/Performapal Deck, which features animals in costume that focus on altering the ATK and DEF of monsters; he later starts incorporating the Odd-Eyes archetype. His ace is his Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, one of the Four Heavenly Dragons. Backing them up are his Magicians; his first two enable Yuya's finishing moves, with later Magicians allowing Yuya to Xyz, Synchro and Fusion Summon powerful monsters. Like previous protagonists, Yuya's ace card keeps evolving, and Yuya learns the other Special Summoning methods through evolving his Odd-Eyes.

As the series goes on, Yuya inadvertently absorbs Yuto into his body, gaining access to his Xyz's ace monster, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, giving his deck access to Xyz Summoning and the latter's Phantom Knights. Eventually, Yuya goes on to absorb his other remaining dimensional counterparts into his own body, reviving as his original incarnation, the "Devil Duelist" Zarc. Following Zarc's defeat, Yuya retains the souls of Yuto, Yugo and Yuri, along with their ace monsters, and his deck accommodates their play styles to bring about the Dimensional Dragons' full power by the end of the series.



  • He is technically the revived identity of Z-Arc as a whole after fusing with all his counterparts. Though Z-Arc's dark spirit is sealed within Riley Akaba and exercised once Yuya makes Riley laugh; which had been impossible without strong joy from dueling.
  • Yuya was the last to be completely absorbed by Z-Arc due to being extremely opposite in personality; Z-Arc sought only to entertain himself, while Yuya wanted to bring others smiles and joy.
  • In the manga continuity, Yuya is actually Yusho and Zuzu's fourth son; with Yuto, Yugo and Yuri being his elder brothers in that order. An incident happened with the card Genesis Origin Dragon and resulted in Yuya being sent to the past, with his brothers' souls within him; leading him to meet his teenage mother and team up to solve the mystery of G.O.D.


           Yu-Gi-Oh logo Heroes

Yugi Muto | Yami Yugi | Joey Wheeler | Tristan Taylor | Téa Gardner | Seto Kaiba | Maximillion Pegasus | Mokuba Kaiba | Bakura Ryou | Marik Ishtar | Ishizu Ishtar | Odion Ishtar | Duke Devlin | Serenity Wheeler | Mai Valentine | Rebecca Hawkins | Mahad | Solomon Muto | Aknadin | Isis | Karim | Mako Tsunami | Seto | Shada | Shadi
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Jaden Yuki | Syrus Truesdale | Alexis Rhodes | Chazz Princeton | Bastion Misawa | Zane Truesdale | Atticus Rhodes | Tyranno Hassleberry | Chumley Huffington | Jim Crocodile Cook | Jesse Anderson | Axel Brodie | Blair Flannigan | Sarina | Sartorius | Jassmine | Mindy | Doctor Collector | Vellian Crowler | Lyman Banner | Kagemaru | Yubel | Taina | Chancellor Sheppard | Jean-Louis Bonaparte | Kaibaman | Adrian Gecko | Aster Phoenix
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Yusei Fudo | Jack Atlas | Akiza Izinski | Crow Hogan | Leo & Luna | Carly Carmine | Mina Simington | Tetsu Trudge | Kalin Kessler | Sherry LeBlanc | Bashford | Blitz Boylston | Bob | Bolt Tanner | Blister | Chancellor | Maria Bartlet | Nervin | Patty | Rally Dawson | Sly | Tank | Zora
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
Yuma Tsukumo | Astral | Tori Meadows | Reginald Kastle | Rio Kastle | Bronk Stone | Caswell Francis | Cathy Katherine | Anna Kaboom | Kite Tenjo | Kari Tsukumo | Kazuma Tsukumo | Nistro | Dextra | Flip Turner | Hart Tenjo | Haru Tsukumo | Trey | Quattro | Quinton
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
Yuya Sakaki | Rin | Celina | Zuzu Boyle | Declan Akaba | Riley Akaba | Ray Akaba | Gong Strong | Shay Obsidian | Lulu Obsidian | Allen Kozuki | Saya Sasayama | Aura Sentia | Sylvio Sawatari | Tate | Yuto | Yugo | The Resistance | Allie | Frederick | Shinji Weber | Skip Boyle | Moon Shadow | Sun Shadow | Sora Perse | Yusho Sakaki | Yoko Sakaki | Jack Atlas | Crow Hogan | Kite Tenjo | Alexis Rhodes | Aster Phoenix
Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Yusaku Fujiki | Cal Kolter | Ryoken Kogami | Theodore Hamilton | George Gore | Skye Zaizen | Emma Bessho | Kenneth Drayden | Jin Kolter | Akira Zaizen | Ai | Aqua | Flame | Earth
Yuga Ohdo | Romin Kassidy | Luke Kallister | Gavin Sogetsu | Roa Kassidy | Tiger Kallister | Mimi Imimi | Rino Nanahoshi | Rayne Nanahoshi | Kaizo | Saburamen | Nail Saionji | Seatbastian | Asana Mutsuba | Galian Townsend | Schubel Quill | Caterpillio Elephantis | Yosh Imimi | Briscoe | Sushiko Maki
Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!
Yudias Velgear | Yuhi Ohdo | Yuamu Ohdo |
Kuriboh | Winged Kuriboh | Ojama Brothers | Dark Magician | Dark Magician Girl | Blue-Eyes White Dragon | Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon | Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon | Red-Eyes B. Dragon | Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon | B. Skull Dragon | Thousand Dragon | Dragon Master Knight | Slifer the Sky Dragon | Obelisk the Tormentor | The Winged Dragon of Ra | Honest | Timaeus | Critias | Hermos | Stardust Dragon | Black Rose Dragon | Ancient Fairy Dragon | Crimson Dragon | Holactie the Creator of Light
