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Heroine Overview

Yuzuriha, infamously referred to as Yuzuriha of Keishu, is a major character in the 2018 manga series Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku and the 2023 anime adaptation of the same name. She is a ninja who committed certain crimes that caused her to be sentenced to death row. However, she was given another path, a mission to acquire the Elixir of Life on an island known as Shinsenkyō, and she accepted it to be forgiven as a criminal.

She is voiced by Rie Takahashi and by Jill Harris in English.


Yuzuriha is a rather regular-height woman with purple-colored hair usually seen tied in a knot with a hairpin. She wore a revealing purple attire, leaving a part of her cleavage exposed. Both upper parts of her arms had armbands. Down to her left arm, she has a bandage and on her right arm, she has a black armband. Her waist is surrounded by a white obi, which carries a few small containers that hold mucus she uses for battle.

Upon arriving at Hōrai and entering a building, she and the other survivors discover numerous clothes that they try on. Yuzuriha ended up choosing a green qipao.


Yururiha can be portrayed as a very friendly and positive attitude woman with often a sense of seductive if it is a man, as she did when she easily manipulated another death row criminal and expedition member, Moro Makiya, which led him to fall to Yuzuriha his trick to be killed by the human-faced insects, showing that she only cares about her survival. Also a selfish women, she initially showed no regard for other individuals. Choosing to annoy Gabimaru as she is requested by him to assist him in his battle against the criminal, Rokurota, she instead chooses to annoy him by singing cheerfully to encourage her fellow shinobi.

Senta exposed her real personality to be pitilessness. Attempting to do something similar to what she did with Makiya, she acted naughty toward the Gabimaru while not realizing that he was just like her. This naturally resulted in turning against her as Gabimaru easily resisted her seduction, recognizing her intentions. Her selfish character gradually changes during the confrontation against Mu Dan. Although she initially attempted to flee leaving the others behind as she expresses shock upon seeing the friendly humanoid creature, she eventually chose to fight the tensen alongside Gabimaru and Yamada Sagiri together. Quick enough to trick the tensen's minions, she thanks Sagiri for aiding her.

Additionally, she was also shown to be terrible at lying when she tries to rewrite her story about her past


  • Superhuman Agility: As a well-trained shinobi, she has demonstrated a remarkable level of agility, allowing her to evade an invisible attack sent by a Mu Dan.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: She can be shown to be quick enough to evade the show of projectiles of Mu Dan that were unleashed on her and the others.
  • Keen Sense: Knowing when it is the right time to assault her enemies, she possesses a very high level of fixed attacks to strike. During the massacre of criminals at the beach, she handily defeated several male criminals who were coming at her, easily knocking them down.
  • Superhuman Speed: Quick enough to trick one of Mu Dan's minions who was restraining her, she replaced herself with a wooden log that appeared behind the tensen and unleashed a few kunai at him.


  • Her primary technique that she uses as a shinobi is shown to be fluid manipulation, via the containers that she carries on her waist. These substances contain acidic properties, allowing her to manipulate and create thread-like attacks on her enemies, which are even strong enough to cut someone's entire body into pieces since even Mu Dan's was shown to be the result when endured.


  • Ninpō - Kawarimi/Substitution: As shown when Mu Dan looked away for just a few several seconds, he sees in surprise that his hostage has vanished, now replaced with a wooden log at the hand of one of his minions, before succumbing a few kunai in his head.
  • Ninpō - Nenshi/Slime String: Using her container that contains the gooey substance, she can sever her opponent's body into pieces with ease.
    • Ninpō - Mitsurō/Nectar Prison: Her victims are exposed to the acidic substance of Yuzuriha upon being imprisoned by her threads.
    • Ninpō -Senzankō/Grim Garote: Her threads are now thicker to restrain her opponents.
  • Ninpō- Senzanben/Whiplash Slice: A whip is generated from her body. Ninpō - Mawashi Doku/Toxic Twirl: A lesson can be created from the substance.

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Gabimaru the Hollow | Yuzuriha | Nurugai

Yamada Clan
Yamada Sagiri | Yamada Genji | Yamada Tenza | Yamada Isuzu

Lord Tensen
