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Good morning. I'm Leberecht Maass. Lebe is fine, yep.

The German destroyer Z1 Leberecht Maass was a Type 1934 destroyer built for Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine. The ship was named after Rear Admiral Leberecht Maass who commanded German forces in the Battle of Heligoland Bight in August 1914. Several days after the start of World War II, she unsuccessfully attacked, together with another destroyer, Polish ships anchored at the naval base on the Hel Peninsula. Leberecht Maass was lightly damaged during the action. In mid-February 1940, while proceeding into the North Sea to search for British fishing trawlers, the ship was bombed by a patrolling German bomber that damaged her steering. She either drifted into a newly laid British minefield or was again hit by bombs and broke in half with the loss of the bulk of her crew.


Z1 Leberecht Maass has short silver hair and blue eyes. She wears a beret that has her name written on it and a sailor collared military uniform with no bottom that matches Z3 Max Schultz's.


She is often depicted as a trap in fanart due to her masculine voice and mannerisms along with her androgynous looks.


  • As with Z3 & many Type 1934 destroyers, she was named after a German naval officer who died during World War I.
  • She was hit by a bomb from a He 111 bomber & sunk on February 22nd, 1940.
  • The 'Z' in her name stands for Zerstörer, which is German for destroyer.
  • She received her second upgrade on 28/03/2014, together with Z3 & Kirishima.
    • 改 means "remodelled" (for the first time), 改二 means "remodelled a second time", etcetera. However, German ships use Zwei (two) for 改二, omitting the 改, because the developers probably thought that it sounds or looks cool & German is 'exotic'.

