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Heroes Wiki

Here are the supplies, they should last you a few more days.. I'm so sorry what my people are doing to you.
~ Zara delivering Supplies to Imprisoned Guests.
Never Give Up.
~ Zara's final words of encouragement to Jez

Zara is a supporting protagonist of the Roblox YouTube and Amazon Prime action movie The Last Guest by ObliviousHD and character of its Guest World video game. She is the childhood friend of Jez and the daughter of the Bacon Doctor who seeks to help many Guests who were taken, tortured and captured by the Bacon Empire, until she is killed by the Bacon Colonel, sparking Jez and her father's desire for revenge.

She was voiced by Genny Sherald, who also voices Charlotte, Daisy and Molly in the same series.



Zara had been a close friend to Jez during their childhood and being one of the only two people that gave him love and attention away from his father who berates the latter, She first seen in a flashback where Jez's Mother invited her to play with Jez to make him happy, The two then Played in the forest, during which she then saw an injured Puppy trapped under a tree, rescuing the Dog, they then went to take it to her Father who was a doctor who then treated it offscreen.

The Last Guest 2 (The Prodigy)[]

In the present day, Jez was awoke by Zara who then understands Jez having a dream about his Mother's death including the fabrications that teh Guests were to blame as she dismisses his claims, while a Bacon Teacher gave a semester of the History towards the Guests and the Bacon's Jez's father was introduced and announces that each student will only become a member of the Bacon empire which they all went to training grounds, Later Jez overheard a conversation from Zara and Her father who warns her to keep out of danger from the Bacons while he safely finds a way to obtain his medical supplies to help the other guests, Jez then discovers that Zara had been helping captive Guests at prison camps by delivering them supplies throughout gates every day, Angered by this news, Jez then berates Zara for helping with his father's enemies, but Zara protests that they weren't the ones who killed his mother, Jez then leaves to tell his father who was working with the General's office, however just as he was about to do so, He notices the Exact Knife that he recognized during his childhood and brushes himself to be excited for the upcoming Guest games tomorrow.

During class, she sees Jez again and questions why he didn't alert his father, but Jez now claims that the General had committed the Crime and reluctantly agreeing with Zara about everything he had been told, after the Guest Games, She is seen Jez again in the woods about what he had said, She then encourages him to push on remarking what her late mother once saying to her. They then went to the Bacon Camp grounds and explains the unhealthy conditions of what the Guests were being treated, during their conversation was interrupted by another Prisoner, It was a young girl named Rose, who was branded as Guest 555, which Zara greatly introduces her and Jez, the pair then quickly became friends, visiting every winter, Zara and all her friends share their own dreams of world piece and laughed at Jez's dreams about Burgers and food, Later they then visit again and after hearing rose had been chosen to compete for the New Guest Games, feeling sympathy, they then plan to evacuate Rose and her people off the prison grounds, Jez and Zara then head to her father's Medical bay to grab some first aid supplies, Jez worrying that her father will know about her plan, But Zara would be worried if he ever found out but as long as their plan of sneaking Guests out would work, They would be fine, After Jez had fought each guard patrolling the Prison, both Zara and Jez then arrived to pick up the Guests, but realised as the Bacon Colonel was ahead of them as the other Guests were already transported away to the bunker beds to fight in the tournaments along with Jez after mourning his friend's dead body in which The Colonel fatally shot Zara in the chest and killed her in cold blood with a pistol. Her body was then later taken to be buried in a grave by her father, upon berating his grievance to the Bacon Colonel and protecting Jez's allies from his bunker and forming a part of a rebellion to counteract and end the Bacon empire.


When Jez was transported, He remembers his childhood moments with Zara and blames himself for her death, a memory of Zara then transforms into her original self and comforts Jez due to being not his fault. Despite her Death, Jez was moved by her words to complete her mission on saving the other Guests including her father The Bacon Doctor who formed the resistance to overtake the Bacon Regime and dissolve their propaganda. She was then avenged along with numerous other Guests including Rose's father, when Jez picked up and fired the pistol at the Bacon Colonel and Killed him the same way as he did to Zara, sending his body falling from the cliff into the river, finally ending the war. A picture of Rose can be seen being held by her father one year after the great war who was talking to some guests at Guest 1337's backyard.


           ObliviousHD Heroes

The Last Guest universe
Emily's Group
Emily | Justin | 3.0 | Guest Bullies

Roblox Army
Robloxian civilians
The Captain | Guest 1337 | Matt | Molly | Captain Richards
Bacon Rebellion
Jez | Zara | The Doctor | The Teacher

Charlotte's Group
Charlotte | Leo | Zack

Daisy | Rose

The Bacon Hair universe

Bacon Resistance
Mr. K | Zayden's Father | Zayden | Guesty | Kenzie

