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Zephyr was the major supporting character of the 2021 role-playing video game Tales of Arise. He was the leader of the Crimson Crows, a Calaglian resistance organization. Additionally, he was the group's emotional pillar and a battle-proven warrior capable of holding his own against even Renan armored soldiers.

He was voiced by Jin Yamanoi in the Japanese version, and by Patrick Seitz in the English version.


Zephyr first appears with the Crimson Crows hijacking a train in Calaglia where they find Shionne Imeris. As the guards start recovering from the attack, Shionne runs off a cliff, onto another cart. Zephyr and Nayth head to where the tracks would lead and spot the two soldiers pursuing Shionne fighting one Iron Mask. The two then join in and help them escape. At one of their safehouses, he interrogates Shionne, only to be interrupted by an attack by the Renans. Zephyr then bears witness to the birth and power of the Blazing Sword. He decides to enlist the aid of Iron Mask and Shionne, bringing them to the Crimson Crows' safehouse at Ulzebek.

After they recuperate, Zephyr proposes the plan to take down Balseph: the Crimson Crows would draw the attention of the enemy's main forces, allowing Iron Mask and Shionne to sneak into Glanmeyde Castle and assassinate him. The plan works, and Calaglia is freed from Renan rule. The news of their success draws a contingent from the Silver Swords to ask for help, though only Rinwell survives the journey. Iron Mask, having remembered his name Alphen, and Shionne decide to go with Rinwell for their own reasons, and Zephyr, while well aware of their shortage of manpower, goes with them into Cyslodia to do what he can to free all of Dahna, leaving the Crimson Crows to stabilize Calaglia in the meantime.

At Messia 224, Zephyr is the subject of a trap, as a member of the Bureau of Civil Observation stationed there is his son, Law. He is unable to fight his son and, even when Law is defeated, finds himself unable to leave him. He is taken to Cysloden where he is scheduled for public execution. Zephyr is given the opportunity to survive should he betray his comrades, but Zephyr refuses. He instead talks of his past and regrets, about losing his wife and alienating his son. He then pleads with the Cyslodian people to learn from him and protect their loved ones. His speech touches Law's heart and Law saves him from the execution. Unfortunately, he is backstabbed by Ganabelt Valkyris, the lord of the region who was masquerading as Meneck, the leader of the Silver Swords. The wound is infected with a poison that is resistant to Shionne's healing artes, and he dies while calling out to Law.

A research on Daeq Faezol develops a reminisce device that is capable of drawing upon the users' memories to enable them to fight battles with previous foes. It eventually goes off the rails after synthesizing their memories into more difficult fights, culminating in a memory of Zephyr that is ambiguous whether they are talking and fighting with an extrapolation of Zephyr or a version of Zephyr himself from beyond his death. After besting him in battle, this Phantom Zephyr has a heartfelt moment with his son, Law, while praising the growth in the others. Law wishes to speak with him again, but Zephyr tells him to save it for when they next meet. He leaves them with a final bit of wisdom: to go forward and never lose heart.


Zephyr was a tall, powerfully-built man who had the scars of battle all over his body.


Zephyr fighting the guards (ToA)

Zephyr displays his combat prowess whilst fighting against the guards.

Zephyr is well-known for his excellent fighting skills, tactical knowledge, and sound judgment in any situation. He's a brutish-looking fighter and has the skills to prove it, but Zephyr is also a wise and kind-hearted man, readily offering sound advice to his younger companions like a father-figure. His calming presence keeps the hostility between Shionne and Rinwell from spiraling out of control.


Zephyr is the one who acts as the connecting force between the group early on thanks to his wisdom and leadership skills. This is what makes Alphen grow to respect him as he is able to be the person people need, especially when keeping the group together. Likewise, he can be quite insightful when it comes to battles and vengeance. Zephyr is well-aware of the long-term consequences of fanning the cycle of revenge so he urges his Crimson Crows to never engage in barbaric actions like their Renan oppressors, and instead follow a strict code of ethics by showing mercy to their enemies and killing only when necessary.  Zephyr genuinely loved his family, and part of the reason he even fought was to help them and give them a chance to have a better life. However, as a father he put his goals first despite loving his son, something that caused Law to grow to resent him. He realizes how much he should have fixed it, and urges people not to be like him before his death.


           Tales Series logoTales Series Heroes

Tales of Phantasia
Cress Albane | Mint Adelaide | Claus F. Lester | Arche Klaine | Chester Burklight | Suzu Fujibayashi

Tales of Destiny 1 & 2
Stahn Aileron | Rutee Katrea | Leon Magnus | Philia Felice | Garr Kelvin | Mary Argent | Karyl Sheeden | Chelsea Torn | Bruiser Khang | Lilith Aileron | Swordian Dymlos | Swordian Atwight | Swordian Chaltier | Swordian Clemente | Swordian Igtenos | Kyle Dunamis | Reala | Loni Dunamis | Judas | Nanaly Fletcher | Dr. Harold Berselius | Rimul

Tales of Eternia
Reid Hershel | Farah Oersted | Meredy | Keele Zeibel | Chat | Max | Rassius "Ras" Luine

Tales of Symphonia/Dawn of the New World
Lloyd Irving | Sheena Fujibayashi | Colette Brunel | Genis Sage | Raine Sage | Kratos Aurion | Zelos Wilder | Presea Combatir | Regal Bryant | Yuan Ka-Fai | Martel Yggdrasill Dirk | Marble | Emil Castagnier | Marta Lualdi | Richter Abend

Tales of Rebirth
Veigue Lungberg | Claire Bennett | Mao Orselg | Eugene Gallardo | Annie Barrs | Tytree Crowe | Hilda Rhambling

Tales of Legendia
Senel Coolidge | Shirley Fennes | Will Raynard | Chloe Valens | Norma Beatty | Moses Sandor Jay | Grune | Stella Telmes

Tales of the Abyss
Luke fon Fabre | Tear Grants | Jade Curtiss | Anise Tatlin | Guy Cecil | Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear | Fon Master Ion | Mieu

Tales of the Tempest
Caius Qualls | Rubia Natwick | Tilkis Barone | Forest Ledoyen | Arria Ekberg | Lukius Bridges

Tales of Innocence
Luca Milda | Illia Animi | Spada Belforma | Hermana Larmo | Ricardo Soldato | Ange Serena | Coda | QQ Selezneva | Kongwai Tao

Tales of Vesperia
Brave Vesperia (Yuri Lowell | Flynn Scifo | Repede | Estellise "Estelle" Sidos Heurassein | Karol Capel | Rita Mordio | Raven | Judith | Patty Fleur) Ioder Algios Heurassein | Casey | Hisca & Chastel Aiheap | Don Whitehorse | Belius | Mary Kaufman | Duke Pantarei | Seifer | Hermes
The First Strike
Niren Fedrock

Tales of Hearts
Shing Meteoryte | Kohaku Hearts | Hisui Hearts | Beryl Benito | Ines Lorenzen | Chalcedony Akerman | Gall Gruner | Lithia Spodumene | Corundum | Paraiba Tourmaline | Pyrox Ferro | Peridot Hamilton | Labrador Akerman | Fluora Spodumene | Sydan Meteor | Kardia Meteor | Iola Hearts | Ultra Marine | Aqua Marine

Tales of Graces
Asbel Lhant | Sophie | Hubert Lhant | Cheria Barnes | Pascal | Malik Caesar | Richard | Fourier

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology trilogy
First title
The Avatar | Kanonno/Pasca | Mormo
Second title
The Avatar | Kanonno Earhart
Third title
The Avatar | Kanonno Grassvalley |

Tales of Xillia 1 & 2
Milla Maxwell | Jude Mathis | Alfred Vint Svent | Leia Rolando | Elize Lutus | Rowen J. Ilbert | King Gaius | Wingul | Presa | Jiao | Ivar | Muzét | Ludger Will Kresnik | Elle Mel Marta | Rollo | Julius Will Kresnik | Origin | Milla Kresnik

Tales of Zestiria
Sorey | Mikleo | Alisha Diphda | Rose | Lailah | Edna | Dezel | Zaveid | Sergei Strelka | Mayvin

Tales of Beseria
Velvet Crowe | Laphicet | Rokurou Rangetsu | Magilou | Eizen | Eleanor Hume | Bienfu

Tales of Link
Allen | Sara | Lippy | Kana | Leonne | Ryuka | Folgana | Shion | Beatrice

Tales of Arise/Beyond the Dawn
Alphen | Shionne Vymer Imeris Daymore | Rinwell | Law | Kisara | Dohalim il Qaras | Hootle | Zephyr | Bregon | Will of Dahna | Nazamil

Tales of Luminaria
Leo Fourcade | Celia Arvier | Michelle Bouquet | Lisette Regnier | Lucien Dufaure | Maxime Hasselmans | Vanessa Morax | Yelsy Tw'elteu Huainaz'jin
