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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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The Ziz is a giant griffin-like bird in Jewish mythology said to be large enough to be able to block out the sun with its wingspan. It is considered a giant animal/monster corresponding to archetypal creatures. Rabbis have said that the Ziz is comparable to the Persian Simurgh, while modern scholars compare the Ziz to the Sumerian Anzu and the Ancient Greek phoenix. The Behemoth, the Leviathan, and the Ziz were traditionally a favorite decoration motif for rabbis living in Germany.

The Ziz is said to protect the Earth against massive storms, and wings darken the Sun. Without the Ziz, the Earth couldn't resist strong winds.




Folklore, Religions, and Myths
Abel | Abraham | Adad | Adam | Ae-oyna-kamuy | Amaterasu-omikami | Anahit | Anansi | Anat | Aliens | Angels (Angel of the Lord | Archangels (Michael/Mīkāʾīll | Gabriel/Jibrīl | Raphael/ʾIsrāfīl | Azrael | Uriel/Urielle) | Cherubim | Dominions | Guardian Angels (Angel of Portugal) | Powers | Virtues) | Anu | Aradia | Baal | Bastet | Baron Samedi | Beowulf | Bes | Black Sam | Bunjil | Br'er Rabbit | Catrina | Christkind | Coyote | Cú Chulainn | Cupid | Dazbog | Dragons | Dhampirs | Dwarves | Easter Bunny | Elijah | Elves | Enki | Enlil | Esther | Eve | Fairies | Fionn mac Cumhaill | Gargoyles | Ghost Hunters | Ghosts | Glooscap | Gnomes | Genies | God/Allah | Gods of Asgard (Balder | Freya | Freyr | Nanna | Odin | Sif | Skadi | Thor | Tyr | Ullr | Idunn) | Golems | Greys | The Grim Reaper/Death | Hanuman | Hercules | Hobbits | The Holy Spirit | Horus | Huitzilopochtl | Hunor and Magor | Inanna | Indra | Isis | Jack the Giant Slayer | Jarilo | Jesus Christ/Isa | Joseph | Joshua | Kaang | King Arthur | King David | Knights of the Round Table | Krishna | Lancelot | Lauma | Lugh | Leprechauns | Madremonte | Maidens | Marduk | Merlin | Merpeople | Mordecai | Moses | Mother Nature | Mrs. Claus | Muhammad | Mulan | Nanabozho | Ninurta | Noah | Nymphs | Odysseus, King of Ithaca | Olympian Gods (Elder Gods (Demeter | Hades | Hera | Hestia | Poseidon | Zeus) | Aphrodite | Apollo | Artemis | Asclepius | Astrea | Athena | Diana | Eos | Hecate | Helios | Hermes | Janus | Leto | Persephone | Triton) | Osiris | Pegasus | Perkūnas | Perun | Perseus | Piers Shonks | Pincoya | Qat | Quetzalcoatl | Revenants | Ra | Rama | Raven | Robin Hood | Saint Lucy | Saints | Samson | Sandman | Santa Muerte | Santa Claus | Santa Claus's Reindeers (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) | Sea Serpents | Shiprah and Puah | Shiva | Sun Wukong | Susanoo-no-Mikoto | Teshub | Theseus | Thoth | Three Wise Kings | Tooth Fairy | Truelove Eyre | Ukanomitama | Ukko | Utu | Unicorns | Vampire Hunters | Vahagn | Valkyries | Veles | Vishnu | Viracocha | Virgin Mary/Maryam | Väinämöinen | World Turtle | Yu Huang | Ziz | Wendigo (Cthulhu Mythos)

Arcturians | Andromedans | Butterfly People | Nordic Aliens | Yeti | Pérák

Urban Legends
Don Pedro Jaramillo | El Cochero sin Cabeza | El Camionero Fantasma | The Gray Man of Pawley's Island | La Pascualita | La Planchada | La Niña de Las Monedas | Sally Williams

Possessed Objects
St.Louis Ghost Train | La Pascualita | Gargoyles

See Also
SCP Foundation Heroes | Trevor Henderson Heroes | Cthulhu Mythos Heroes
