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Heroes Wiki

I know. And that was scary, but you taught me to be brave and face up to the things that scare me.
~ Zoe Ramirez to her father Rene

Zoe Ramirez is a character in the Arrowverse. She is the daughter of Rene Ramirez and his late wife Laura and one of the best friends of Mia Queen.

In an erased 2040, she assisted her father as his status as the mayor for the glades, acting as his chief of staff. However she was secretly a member of the Canaries. She was killed by John Diggle, Jr. as Deathstroke but was restored on Earth-Prime after the Spectre restarted the multiverse.


Original Multiverse[]

Early life[]

Zoe was born to Rene and Laura Ramirez and grew up in Star City, where she cultivated a passion for hockey, frequently attending games with her father. Unbeknownst to her, her parents were experiencing turmoil due to her mother's drug addiction.

One day, when Zoe and Rene came home from a hockey game, her mother was fatally shot by her drug dealer, resulting in Zoe being placed in foster care. Rene faced challenges in regaining custody of his daughter until he could stabilize his life. Nevertheless, he was permitted visitation rights, provided that Zoe's foster mother was present during these visits.

Post Crisis[]

Zoe was resurrected after the Anti-Monitor Crisis, where she and William congratulated Mia on graduating. Unfortunately, when Mia's memories of the previous universe were restored by Dinah Drake and Laurel Lance, she looked upon Zoe and remembered John Jr. murdering Zoe in the original multiverse. When Mia become uneased, Zoe was confused by her best friend's sudden change in behavior.

Erased Future[]

Powers and Abilities[]

Current multiverse[]

  • Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Zoe was taught hand-hand combat by her father's friend Dinah Drake.

Erased future[]

  • Peak Human Condition
    • Acrobatics/Free-running
  • Expert hand-to-hand Combatant/Martial Artist
    • Skilled Swordswoman
  • Skilled Leader


  • Canary Necklace: In 2018, Zoe was given a Canary necklace by her father's friend, Dinah Drake.
  • Suit: Zoe donned a mask and black protective suit as a vigilante in a potential future set in Star City.
  • Handguns (erased future): Zoe wields a handgun in her side arm.
  • Expandable Batons (erased future): Zoe owned a pair of black expandable baton that can be turned into a bo-staff.
  • Sonic device (erased future): She owned a sonic device that let her emit high pitched screams


           Arrowverse logo Heroes

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow | John Diggle | Felicity Smoak | Thea Queen | Laurel Lance (Earth-1) | Quentin Lance | Sara Lance | Tommy Merlyn | Shado | Nyssa al Ghul | Lyla Michaels | Ray Palmer | Curtis Holt | Rene Ramirez | Rory Regan | Dinah Drake | Laurel Lance (Earth-2) | Roy Harper | Malcolm Merlyn | Slade Wilson | Helena Bertinelli | Tatsu Yamashiro | Anatoly Knyazev | Vigilante | Mari McCabe | Mia Queen | Connor Hawke | William Clayton | Zoe Ramirez | Monitor

The Flash (CW)
Barry Allen/The Flash | David Singh | Iris West-Allen | Cisco Ramon | Caitlin Snow | Joe West | Eddie Thawne | Ronnie Raymond | Martin Stein | Jefferson Jackson | Wally West | Jesse Chambers Wells | Harry Wells | Jay Garrick/The Flash | H.R Wells | Cecile Horton | Ralph Dibny | Nora West-Allen | Harrison Sherloque Wells | Leo Snart | Kamilla Hwang | Allegra Garcia | Chester P. Runk | Nash Wells | Bart Allen | Monitor | Meena Dhawan | King Shark | Harrison Wells

John Constantine | Zed Martin | Chas Chandler

Mari McCabe/Vixen

Legends of Tomorrow
Sara Lance/White Canary | Ray Palmer | Mick Rory | Leonard Snart | Jefferson Jackson | Martin Stein | Kendra Saunders | Carter Hall | Rip Hunter | Amaya Jiwe | Nate Heywood | Zari Tomaz | Wally West | Leo Snart | John Constantine | Ava Sharpe | Gary Green | Zari Tarazi | Behrad Tarazi | Damien Darhk | Nora Darhk | Charlie | Monitor | Esperanza Cruz

Kara Danvers/Supergirl | Alex Danvers | James Olsen | Winn Schott | Cat Grant | J'onn J'onzz | Superman | Lena Luthor | Maggie Sawyer | Mon-El | M'gann M'orzz | Imra Ardeen | Querl Dox | Nia Nal | Kelly Olsen | Lois Lane | M’yrnn J’onzz | Andrea Rojas | Monitor

Freedom Fighters
Ray Terrill/The Ray

Black Lightning
Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning | Jennifer Pierce | Anissa Pierce | Lynn Stewart | Peter Gambi | Bill Henderson | Khalil Payne | Grace Choi | Jeremiah Holt | Brandon Marshall | TC | Gardner Grayle | Erica Moran | Hassan Shakur

Kate Kane/Batwoman | Ryan Wilder/Batwoman | Luke Fox | Mary Hamilton | Jacob Kane | Sophie Moore | Julia Pennyworth | Monitor

Superman & Lois
Clark Kent/Superman | Lois Lane | Jordan Kent | Jonathan Kent II | Sam Lane | Lana Lang | Kyle Cushing | Sarah Cortez | Chrissy Beppo | John Henry Irons | John Diggle | Natalie Lane Irons

The Flash (CBS)
The Flash | Julio Mendez (Earth-90) | Tina McGee (Earth-90)

Clark Kent (Earth-167) | Lois Lane (Earth-167) | Superman (Earth-96) | Barry Allen (unknown Earth) | Helena Kyle | Lucifer Morningstar | Ryan Choi | Stargirl | Wildcat | Hourman | Dr. Mid-Nite | S.T.R.I.P.E. | Jason Todd

A.R.G.U.S. | D.E.O. | Justice Society of America | Paragons | Team Supergirl | Team Arrow | Team Flash | Legends | Legion of Super-Heroes | Freedom Fighters
